Firstly it is acknowledged that the airship/ helicopter hybrid
already exists.
Magpie headed: No human, wombat nosed, nose coned, so
called aerodynamically faired whatever whatsoever for the
front of this ship, only a magpies head, with beak, in flying
mode, with the airship proper beginning
where the birds
body does.
Fitting that pre-human stone age avian aerodynamics,
perfected millions of years ago and still quite capable of
rocketing out of the sky and drawing blood courtesy of
mother nature, head up this new age of aviation. Not that
high speed is contemplated, it just has to cut through the
air efficiently with a proven design.
Rigid Airship: Same frontal configuration for the mid section
as a magpies body, with the airship cabin as part of the
birds breast.
Torpedo shaped tapering end with large lightweight plastic
fan for solar assisted, battery powered, cruise mode.
solar sheet on upper surface. Black sides for solar balloon
Helicopter: Finally, a killer application that doesn't have to
taken literally for a hopelessly dangerous mode of transport.
For travel with load and manoeuvrability, and accurate
and descent.
Modern lightweight rotors (which can shut down and stow
away) and motor situated at the top of the airship. Motor
within, with a frame support going down through the ship
wheels at the ends of the A on either side of the ship.
Another A main bar down through the ship for the back
wheel. 3 triangles, the main frame.
Motor Exhaust gases assist lift by passing through ship
compartment exhaust pipe.(former post acknowledged)
Cargo mode has an underside cargo hatch entry.
Loads by hovering and lowering over a container, with sky
hook ballistic cut away, activated by a quick release load
jettison handle in the cockpit, to ensure no crash from
altitude with heavy loads, just containers raining from the
towards innocent bystanders and grazing herbivores.
Gases: Rigid Airship has compartments.
Helium compartments for lift to almost lighter than air.
Helicopter motor exhaust pipe compartment.
Solar balloon compartments on top and sides.
Much trial and error required here, but each compartment
capable of almost lift on it's own.
No flying wing? This things a flying swiss army knife as it is.
....incorporating contemporary context sensitive
solutions.... In progress.