Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Magnifier coins

Coins which magnify
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Prompted by "Carbon Steel Pennies" (qv). Why not make all coins useful, in addition to their monetary role?

Under the new system, coins will be made with lenticular glass centrepieces. Start with the two-pound coin, which currently has a silvery centre set in a brassy ring; replace the centre part with a lens of, say, +1 dioptre. Other coins will need more radical modifications, but ultimately each coin will bear a glass lens set in an outer ring - the ring, of course, will carry the essential information such as year and denomination, whilst the middle glass part remains unsullied (at least until stratched in use).

Ideally, the lens should not be thicker than the rim. For concave lenses, this is no problem. For convex lenses, the periphery of the lens will be slimmer than the rim of the coin, whilst the centre will bulge out to become the same thickness as the rim of the coin.

With a two-pound coin and a 10p piece held at the right distance, you now have an improvised but effective telescope. A 5p piece and two 20p's can be used to construct a makeshift microscope. And for the hard of seeing, either the 50p piece or the 2p coin will serve as an emergency monocle, depending on your prescription.

MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 04 2007

Prompted by Carbon_20Steel_20Penny
[MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 04 2007]

Shameless self-promotion Penny_20protractors
This idea fits in well. [fridge duck, Oct 04 2007]

British coppers http://news.bbc.co....usiness/4766897.stm
[fridge duck, Oct 04 2007]

New currency for space travellers - Looks like they might be able to magnify with these. http://news.bbc.co....usiness/7029564.stm
Ningies / Triganic PUs, anyone? [Dub, Oct 07 2007]


       Yo Fridge Duck! I am stunned - I actually started writing this idea by suggesting a variety of coin-based gadgets (bottle opener, magnifier, wire-stripper) and including, bizarre of bizarres, a protractor. But then I figured enough was too much of a good thing. So, all respect to you. Are you on the same medication as me?
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 04 2007

       Thing 1: Use polycarbonate or something other than glass - less scratchability, less shatterability. Thing 2: The coin would be far more expensive to make than its face value, which sort of defeats the purpose of money (although I think this is already the case for some coins/countries).
neutrinos_shadow, Oct 04 2007

       //Are you on the same medication as me?// Toothy Gus' reliable tincture?   

       Also, //Thing 2: The coin would be far more expensive to make than its face value, which sort of defeats the purpose of money (although I think this is already the case for some coins/countries).// With regards to that, have a looksee at the new link.
fridge duck, Oct 04 2007

       Glass is more scratch-proof than polycarbonate, less shatterproof. In general.
Texticle, Oct 04 2007

       With a little sunlight and a scrap of paper you'd have money to burn with.   

       I was going to make a joke about burning a hole in your wallet/pocket, but I decided it would be far too corny...
neutrinos_shadow, Oct 05 2007

       Yes, you'd make a spectacle of yourself.
Ling, Oct 05 2007

       ////Are you on the same medication as me?// Toothy Gus' reliable tincture? //   

       That's the one! I find it stings during injection but it certainly wakes one up.   

       //The coin would be far more expensive to make than its face value// True probably for the smallest denominations, but probably not true for anything from 10p upward. And in any case, this only really becomes an issue if the metal content is worth more than the face value (prompting people to melt coins down - as per FridgeDuck's link).
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 05 2007


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