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Except that there won't be an overnight, because
A added to substance B causes an immediate explosion
taking out the bomb maker, who we can assume is dumb
a box of hammers.
When dealing with terrorists, you don't want to
underestimate your enemy, but on the other hand, you
don't want to overestimate them either. A significant
portion of them wouldn't be able to tell at what point in
this rigged bomb making process the whole thing blows
up in
their face. Chemistry and electronic circuits can be
complicated things which offer many places where you
can put little booby traps in the plan.
If I were in charge, I'd load the internets with so many
terrorist self help sites that included bombs that
at some point during the manufacture process that you'd
have to go through 100 of these "booby trapped plan"
sites to get
a real one.
For all I know, these may already exist. In which case
The Anarchists Cook Booklet
http://www.haikog.d...istsCookbooklet.pdf C'eci n'est pas un Cookbook d'Anarchisme - it's more (but not entirely) an actual cookbook [zen_tom, May 18 2012]
Smokeless vs. Black Powder
http://www.youtube....aMI&feature=related Smokeless powder burns. Black powder explodes. [ytk, May 18 2012]
[bob, May 20 2012]
What about when the desperate ragtag remnants of the human race turns to one of your rigged plans for their last ditch efforts to repel the alien conquerors. WHAT THEN? |
Spend no more sleepless nights B. Those of use
can survive the quest to find how to make anti-
ordinance without blowing our fingers off will be
tasked with saving humanity. |
It'll be like those asian martial arts movies where
the hero needs to pass some "quest for truth"
tests via deep, inner
searching before they can punch people in the
face. |
Survival of the fittest, yes, yes. But such a shame that the dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers hero with a heart of gold blows his fingers off trying to save the last orphanage on earth. And the kids cry "why, doc remulac? why?" |
Maybe an alien dissident will volunteer to be his surrogate fingers for his second attempt. Yes, yes, I can see how that would go.... |
Isn't this called the Anarchist's Cookbook? |
//Isn't this called the Anarchist's Cookbook?// |
Yeah, I seem to recall hearing some ballistics
expert explaining that the "silencer" described in
that text would blow up probably 50% of the time
if you built it correctly. |
Penn and Teller wrote a book called "How To Play
With Your Food" that contained a fake recipe for
"Swedish Lemon Angels". The key step in the
recipe involved combining a mixture containing a
fair amount of baking soda with a cup of lemon
juice. |
Well, we call it a "walk-in"
And here I thought this was what imdb was... |
I worry that the majority of the users of online bomb plans are not terrorists, but rather bored teanagers. While some might think applying darwinian methods to teenagers might be good, I suspect that many teenagers who appear to be trying out for a Dawin Award have the potential to mature into people who make significant contributions to society. Therefore blowing them up might cause more harm than the good of blowing up a few terrorists. |
"it is impossible to make anything foolproof,
because fools are so ingenious." |
you say terrorists, I say bored teenagers... tomato, tomahto... |
Spend a little time reading about them on Wikipedia and
you will discover that, as a nearly universal rule,
(successful) terrorists and criminal bombers do not learn
their craft from the Internet or things like the Anarchist's
Cookbook.* Most either learn from prior military
experience or are taught by a mentor. A handful have
backgrounds in chemistry, physics, and/or engineering. The
mentorship system is especially prevalent in established
terrorist groups. |
* As for the Anarchist's Cookbook, it is more or less the
essence of this idea, but without the noble intent. It would
be more aptly titled 'How to Blow Yourself Up'. I don't
know if it's still around, but there was a lesser-known
manuscript called The Big Book of Mischeif, which was
much more accurate and of far greater threat to society
than any edition of the A.C. I have a copy that I obtained
in high school. The bomb-building chapter of the BBOM is
very detailed, including much of the science involved in
the processes, and it also makes explicitly clear how
delicate and dangerous such activities are. Many of the
'recipes' it contains are real or very close. Still, I don't think
it's a terrorist training manual. At worst, it may have been
used by some of these idiot kids who suffer a psychotic
breakdown after being bullied for years and go on a
school-shooting playdate with homemade pipebombs and
fucking Tec-9s. |
Oh, and one more thing: I can make a safer and more
effective silencer with a soda can, a potato, and a yard of
duct tape than that garbage in the A.C. |
//you say terrorists, I say bored teenagers...
tomato, tomahto...// |
I guess one could draw a differentiation now that
you mention it. Aren't we splitting hairs at that
point though? |
I draw a big black indelible line between the bored
teenage idiots who build black powder bombs and set them
off in sandpits and the emotionally damaged teenage idiots
who have been bullied half to death and build black
powder bombs to set off in schools. School
shooters/bombers are terrorists, albeit pretty inept ones
(same goes for adults who terrorize their workplace). The
stupid kids who eventually drop something unstable and
get off easy if they only lose a foot are not terrorists. |
// Most either learn from prior military
experience or are taught by a mentor. A
handful have backgrounds in chemistry,
physics, and/or engineering. // |
<violent bout of coughing> |
Must I actually link in order to prove a perfectly obvious
point that anyone can confirm on their own? Eric Rudolph
and Timothy McVeigh: military experience. Ted Kaczynski:
Math PhD, massively self educated. Al Qaeda, Iraqi
insurgents, and other Middle Eastern extremist groups:
fully-organized bomb-building schools. Big-time terrorists
do not download their recipes, they go to cooking college. |
Putting even more faulty bomb-making instructions on the
Internet will not decrease the rate of serious bombings. It
would potentially only decrease the number of clueless
idiots who require full-time adult supervision, not that this
would be a bad thing. |
Sounds like [8th] has just emerged from a cloud of
oxidised nitrates. |
I'm pretty sure [zen_tom] used to have a copy of the
Anarchist's Cookbook. I also remember one of my
brothers blowing himself up after concocting some
gunpowder. I don't know if the two memories are
related, but they really ought to be. |
// I draw a big black indelible line between the bored teenage idiots who build black powder bombs and set them off in sandpit// I resent being labelled an "idiot" forty years after the fact. And it was a gravel pit, strictly speaking. And it wasn't black powder. (black powder was too smoky and not enough flash) |
Umm... <mumbles> ... Hercules Red Dot powder... in
a metal flask... buried in sand... dog ended up with
gravel chips embedded in its backside as it ran
away... no-one else was actually hurt... </m> |
[Absinthe], if you outgrew the behavior while you still
retained all of your extremities, I'll grant a pardon. |
Anyway, I routinely refer to myself as an idiot. I do
recreationally stupid things all the time, just not involving
explosives or firearms (I have set myself on fire several
times, but that's really more of a work thing). I'm also a big
fan of helmets, which are a great tool for separating the
surviving idiots from the maimed or dead idiots. |
//, if you outgrew the behavior while you still retained all of your extremities, I'll grant a pardon// I retained all extremities intact, though my left ear is a little deafer than the right (that one was half the size of a pencil, but Man!, was it loud) As to whether I outgrew the behaviour, I'm not sure; I just don't seem to get the opportunity so often. |
I think I was about 8 years old when I learned that if you take a jug of modern smokeless powder, pour it out on the street in a long line and make a big pile at one end, when you light it, it doesn't "fizzle" along slowly like in the Road Runner cartoons. |
My vision came back after a few seconds luckily. |
It goes off quickly, doesn't it, [dr rem]? |
Our kids will never understand. We were the last
generation to get up to this sort of stuff and not go
to gaol for terrorism offences. |
I think there may be a Welshmen in your garden,
[8th]. SG or No. 8 birdshot? |
//It goes off quickly, doesn't it, [dr rem]?// |
//I think I was about 8 years old when I learned that
if you take a jug of modern smokeless powder, pour
it out on the street in a long line and make a big
pile at one end, when you light it, it doesn't
"fizzle" along slowly like in the Road Runner
cartoons.// |
Are you sure it wasn't black powder? Smokeless
powder will, in fact, fizzle slowly (I used to
handload ammunition, and I still have a bunch of it
in the garage that I take out and light a bit of every
now and then whenever I need to sate my
pyromaniacal urges). Black powder goes ka-boom. |
I'm not sure what it was, but I can testify that it definataly went "KABOOM" and not "fizzle" like the fuse in the beginning of Mission Impossible. |
So of course we played it safe after that. We filled a jar full of the stuff with primers at the bottom and poured flammable glue on the top to act as a "fuse" to give us time to run like hell. |
Ahhh, to be young and stupid. And where were the parents you ask? How the hell should I know? We were "free range" children back then. If little Bobby or Billy did'nt come home alive it was their own damned fault. |
Must have been black powder (see link). You're lucky
you still have all your limbs. |
Yikes, primers? Those are unbelievably dangerous,
particularly when not actually loaded into a case.
Don't mess with those. The problem with primers is
that a sudden jolt can set one off, and if you have a
bunch of them together it can start a chain reaction
that WILL destroy anything in the immediate vicinity. |
Yup! That's the stuff! What's missing from the video is how brightly it burns. I had a straight line shaped impression on my retinas that took several seconds to fade away and I thought I was scarred for life. When I saw that I was alright, I declared this stuff great fun and we went right back to risking life and limb, just from a greater distance. |
Yes, I must stress to any kids that might read this. If you do this stuff you can end up very maimed or very dead. I come from a time and place where life was cheap by today's standards. I was a stupid kid from East Palo Alto. You're not. |
Do we need to say "Don't try this at home?" Ok, please. Don't try this at home. (Your friends house is ok though...kidding) |
// Welshmen in your garden, [8th]. SG or No.
8 birdshot? // |
Just a "warning burst" from the old .303
well, the whole nine yards actually,
but who'se counting
? |
// Ahhh, to be young and stupid. And where
were the parents you ask? How the hel
should I know? We were "free range" should I
know? We were "free range" children back
then. If little Bobby or Billy did'nt come home
alive it was their own damned fault. did'nt
come home alive it was their own damned
fault // |
How very true. Not many of them probably
stole a full 13Kg cyclinder of Butane, took it
into a farmer's field and built a bonfire round
it. |
It's advantageous if the Primary Instigator
and Chief Dangerous Idiot has actually
studied their history and understands the
importance of "trenches" or at least a good,
deep ditch when red-hot shards of steel are
restyling the immediate landscape. |
Oh, great. Looks like we ran into that nasty bug in
"quote.pas" again. Time to reboot the Borg... |
Bombs are like guns or chainsaws or any other potentially
dangerous tool: always know what the tool is designed to
do, or the tool might do it to you. |
The flipside of that is the importance of using high-quality
tools. |
// I must stress to any kids that might read this. If you do this stuff
you can end up very mamed or very dead// ...or free-issued
with a very fetching orange boilersuit.
// Not many of
them probably stole a full 13Kg cyclinder of Butane, took it into a
farmer's field and built a bonfire round it.// Oo, respect, best I
ever managed was filling the hollow in the base of a Gaz canister
with garden weed control products and common sweetener. First
charge didn't do it, so after a respectable pause, a second finished
the job. (Did you really only probably steal it?) |
| |