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Dunno, it's kind of interesting just sorting the output alphabetically, it has some kind of gnomic fortune-cookie style to it |
$someWords = "insert anno words here";
$wordChunks = explode(" ", $someWords);
for($i = 0; $i < 500; $i++){
echo "$wordChunks[$i] ";
echo count($wordChunksLimited);
----- |
I just pinched the code off the net, the variable names are not my own. |
First time I ever deleted a comment without reading it.
And I rarely delete comments; only when tidying up. |
So, how do we, in a community as loosely structured as we are, deal with a deliberately disruptive member? |
Shunning - decline to comment on the postings. |
Given that not all of us find [rcarty]'s body of work without merit, there are those among us who reward his work, so shunning is ineffective. |
I'm assuming that our host is letting this play out, since there's been no ban. I don't know the history of the website in enough detail - I'm not aware of a history of bans, so I suspect the policy is akin to The Prime Directive. |
I don't know if appeals for a ban would carry any weight, and I would not bother her for something that we could not work out ourselves. |
Let's see - the anti-shun? Continually churn the ideas such that they own the top of the page and we have to work on the second page? |
It's not practical either. C'mon people, I'm brainstorming here. Help me out. |
[rcarty], the structure of the Halfbakery is such that you are effectively able to own it by your constant efforts. |
It's the tragedy of the commons phenom. |
[RC], two possibly relevant points. |
Point 1. If I went on a football site and persistently
posted poetry, and if it were clear that this was not
being well received, I'd probably go and find a poetry
site rather than insisting that they accept my poetry
on the football site. |
Point 2. I recently spent a while on a philosophy
forum. I didn't understand much of it. But, despite
my philosophy-dismissive attitude, the members
there were patient and explained things to me so
that I did understand. They didn't call me a c**t for
not getting it. So, if you've got a point to make,
either explain it so others here can understand it, or
don't bother posting it on a public forum. |
What exactly do you get out of all this nonsense? |
I often visit a forum on Soviet wristwatches (that's
not an obscure metaphor; it's literally a forum on
Soviet wristwatches) and, as mentioned, I spent some
time visiting a philosophy forum. Oh, and I quite
often visit a blog about the Times crossword. But
that's the limit of my omnipresence. |
As for who I am, my profile page pretty much says
who I am and what I do for a living. It also has my
email address, if you want to ask me anything in
particular. How about you? |
//I'm making halfbaked ideas what don't you
understand// I don't understand the ideas - they
don't seem to contain anything. If I'm wrong, explain
them to me in normal language. If I posted an idea
here about some very detailed molecular biology, I'm
pretty sure I could explain it in enough detail for an
idiot like me to understand. |
If you can't explain your ideas to people who don't
"get" it, perhaps you haven't understood them
yourself? |
I didn't say you do. I was just making casual
comments. |
[rcarty], you behave in a disruptive manner. You have the anonymity of the internet to hide behind. You have come to an open party and effectively sprawled on the food and punch table while chanting nonsense. |
Periodically you admit this, then you try denial. |
[RC] I generally have liked your ideas and input. You're
obviously going through some things... I'm not a mod here
and I don't have the slightest bit of influence. That's why I
think it's okay for me to say this, and with all respect: |
I strongly suggest a brief hiatus from the HalfBakery, lasting
until you've worked out whatever it is you need to work out. |
Don't know if I'm going to be able to get away with that many before I'm caught. This idea is an ad hominem attack against me, so I will launch ad hominem attacks against you. |
// Given that not all of us find [rcarty]'s body of work without merit |
You're saying there are people who like this shit? Troll admiration possibly, but that's it. |
Your ideas are shit, moron! |
// Your ideas are shit, moron! |
Ok I understood that, we're making progress! (You're absolutely right, they are shit.) |
//Your ideas are shit, moron!// "morons", shirley? |
Yes this is the halfbakery, no? |
I want my noise control idea back alive and well! |
No, this is the halfbakery, yes? |
//I want my noise control idea back alive and well!//
Have you considered threatening to hold your breath
until you go blue? |
No I've thought about doing it to yours though. |
When you get cross you write much more
understandably. |
As for me I don't mind what rc writes, it's just not very interesting to me, but god knows I churn out some rubbish too. |
[rcarty] You must realize you are different. Don't get me wrong, difference is good and should be developed fully. But, and it is a big but, the responsibility is with you to learn to communicate socially and fairly so everyone else can understand the difference otherwise your difference just amounts to nothing. |
Hey, there's no need to say he's got a big but! |
Yes, I'm perfectly willing to do that but the last idea that was deleted was understandable, in fact there was a cogent thread in which the idea was exemplified and it was deleted, and you were arguing it was meaningless with noise control the entire time, so there are no rules for you it seems either. Let the moderators regulate, and everyone else use the website for its intended purpose, posting poorly thought out ideas. |
Would someone please concentrate on [Ling]'s idea? Don't feed any troll (well, [Ling] may have started it by hiding the troll's food). |
And yes, this is a very nice idea. [+] We would learn what AI can do today and fill it with crap. And by the way, my name is ELIZA and please tell me more about some PhD thesis artificial conversation software and how to fill it with crap. |
//Let the moderators regulate, and everyone else
use the website for its intended purpose, posting
poorly thought out ideas.// Isn't that more or less
the point of the HB? |
//the last idea that was deleted was
understandable// whereas the others..? |
I don't see how you interpret "poorly thought out". |
Even a poorly-thought out idea can be explained
understandably. |
Example of a poorly-though-out, clearly-explained
idea: "Make wineglass stems out of steel to avoid
their snapping." |
Example of a clearly-thought-out, badly-explained
idea: "Use Cas9 inhibitors targeted to anaerobic
myoblasts to induce kimetosis in pheroblasts." |
I never made and idea like that before. And your idea for a wine glass stem is not an invention, you are just changing the material of something with a known function / dysfunction. |
I'm not taking lessons from you. Make your own ideas and don't leave harassing comments to me. Communitarian scrum. |
Yes, [RC], the wineglass stem was just an example.
It was easy to understand. |
I honestly can't think of an idea which is incapable of
explanation to ordinary people. I (and maybe others
here) are irritated because you claim to have an idea
(well, many ideas), but deliberately obscure them. |
You therefore give the impression of taking the piss -
either by knowingly posting bollocks, or by obscuring
an actual idea. This is why some people here are
pissed off at you. |
There's no point posting ideas unless you intend other
people to understand and discuss them. We (at least,
I) don't understand them, but am happy to discuss
them on that basis. And, on that basis, I think
they're drivel. |
That's a technique I am practicing, and it looks sloppy right now but it will improve. |
Well, why not wait until you've figured it out, and
then try posting here, dear? If I want to practice
piano, I do it in private until I know how to play. |
Also, I think you've misunderhended the meaning of
"scrum". A scrum is a pack of players in rugby (or, by
analogy, any dense mob). You probably meant to call
me "communitarian scum", which is fine. |
I was starting to think it was me, and that I just wasn't
"getting it" anymore. Now I get it. I thought I had lost my
mind for a minute...idea, after idea with no idea included in
the idea. |
No scrum is harassment by the media. It's poorly thought out. There's ideas in every idea I post. |
//No scrum is harassment by the media.// |
Well, _some_ scrums _are_ harassment by the media
(you can have a "media scrum"), but they still involve
many people. One person, such as myself, can be
"scum" but not "a scrum". |
[bliss] I thought the same for a while. Then I was
relieved. Then I realized that, regardless of [RC]s
posts, I might be losing my mind anyway. |
No a fag pack of you english twits just had my idea deleted, and Ling posted this idea that's another unwelcome idea about me right afterwards. What makes you think you can post ideas about me? |
You don't know how I'm thinking. |
//You don't know how I'm thinking |
It usually involves synapses, or so they tell me. |
While I'm here and not wrestling with '$_SESSION['right_answer'][$x] =$row["answer"];' (as we all must have done at sometime in our lives ) is a [-] vote "break out the fiery torches and the pitchforks" or is that a [+]? |
Sounds like you guys really got that mind thing mastered. |
I will refrain from the old 'mind over matter' routine. |
//You don't know how I'm thinking.// The problem is
that we don't know you're thinking. |
//What makes you think you can post ideas about
me?// Well, if you set out to irritate people, what
do you expect? |
//No a fag pack of you english twits// A fag pack
would be 20 fags (or 10). And although I'm English,
I'm not sure about all the others. |
However, I am enjoying all this. I hope you are too,
[RC]. |
Why were my ideas deleted and then this idea was posted? |
I think your ideas were deleted because they were
intentionally non-understandable. Or because, in the
absence of understandability, the conclusion was that
there was no idea. |
Not understandable to who? The idea is about noise control, it's a major political issue, you're censoring speech. The title of this idea gives away that it was understandable. |
//Not understandable to who? // To me, at least. To
me, it read like drivel. But then again I didn't delete
your idea. |
It's a poorly thought out idea, understand? Your ideas are drivel. |
No, if there was an idea it was poorly explained. |
My ideas are indeed drivel, but I think they are
generally understandable. |
Why was there an entire conversation about noise control? |
I think the discussion was about how irritating it was,
as an idea. |
[LimpNotes], thanks for the link to the Karpman Drama Triangle. |
Yes, many basic human interactions fall into that model, and I guess I'm a corner of that triangle when I ask for inputs. I tend to think of conflicts as resolvable challenges. Probably a default of my profession (Quality Anthropology). |
Yeah that's sort of one way how it, noise control, works. |
If an idea is irritating its not an audible sound its text you have to read. You're the ones acting like the most absurd victims. |
Yeah, but if you post "ideas" with the sole purpose of
irritating, that's not really the point of the HB (imho). |
However, if you do post them, then it seems perfectly
reasonable for me to call you an utter dick. |
It's not for irritating, it's to find another soul in the entire world who might be thinking about noise control in a noisy way, because that's how they know about it, and reaching out to that person with a life preserver of hope thrown to tow them to safety in a meaningless life of censoring and gagging regulations. |
The only person who can say if something's irritating
is the person who's irritated. |
Also, if you're trying to make contact with someone,
it helps to be intelligible. |
Anyway the idea titled rejection physics was about noise control and it was ultimately rejected because of what reason? |
I think your ideas were deleted because they were
intentionally non-understandable. Or because, in the
absence of understandability, the conclusion was that
there was no idea. |
No, the ideas were understandable. Just like all this text is. Most ideas are deleted in a week or more after being marked, those deletions were censorship. |
I think they were more exasperation than censorship. |
Anyway, time for bed. Do email if there's anything
you'd like to discuss. |
Anyway I only have one message to give you and I typed this sentence with that finger. |
No, I wouldn't say anything to anyone about it. |
I can understand what people are saying. |
// it's to find another soul in the entire world who might be thinking about noise control in a noisy way, because that's how they know about it, and reaching out to that person with a life preserver of hope thrown to tow them to safety in a meaningless life of censoring and gagging regulations |
So you're looking for someone else who has what you have? You might have better luck on OKCupid. |
//not all of us find [rcarty]'s body of work without merit// |
I find it contains occasional nuggets of goodness, albeit well-hidden. For example, as I said at the time, I am genuinely grateful to discover that there's such a thing as statistical semiotics. |
Although I believe that [rcarty]'s world view is profoundly mistaken, I don't like any attempt, express or implied, to run him out of town. Therefore [-]. |
//it's to find another soul in the entire world who might be thinking about noise control in a noisy way, because that's how they know about it// |
! don't see a problem. Are small town's people getting involved? That's rhizomes in another corporeal. |
Anyway noise control is just something that is in the manual its not something that has to be proven . |
One day, I believe, something will destroy this place, and it'll
be a shame when that happens. On the other hand, people
might get a bit more on-task then, judging by my own
example. Small sample size though. |
The issue is probably that the means of communication is not
plainly semantic so much as stylistic, and people don't like
being played with in that way. Having said that, we do play
that kind of game on here sometimes. |
//I typed this sentence with that finger |
That's an unusually dexterous finger, possibly bifurcated, if it can can do an uppercase letter. |
Going to need to have those ideas restored. I'm not trying to teach you anything, I'm posting my own personal ideas. Writing is not about teaching, that's one form of doing something that not all writing has to conform to, and is mostly for (88). Is this a teaching website or something like that? |
I was thinking more like The Ghost in the Shell many fingers bit...4 second video thereof...link |
[marked-for-deletion] not an idea, although I appreciate the sentiment, Ling.
//I don't like any attempt, express or implied, to run him out of town//
Neither do I, although I think people are just blowing off a bit of steam rather than reaching for the pitchforks & torches.
//Writing is not about teaching//
Agreed; it's about communicating. Using deliberately obfuscatory language is OK as an occasional ruse, ploy or jape but it gets stale awfully quickly when used as the standard method & so, it inevitably fails to fulfill its objective, i.e. to communicate. Crying 'no fair!' when people point this out isn't going to get you far though. Either ignore the moaners or post something written in plain English that us morons can understand & can formulate a more positive response to.
Personally, I think that it's bad enough having to listen to management-speak bollocks in the work place all day without coming here and being subjected to it in my personal time. Hence I rarely get past the first sentence of one of rcarty's ideas before moving on without comment. |
Well put, [DrBob], and I agree with the mfd |
Anyway, the suggestion that someone thought the idea was a Phd thesis, and then claims that its not understandable and deleted for that reason makes me want to do things. Even the argument that writing is for communication is also too narrow, writing is also for personal enjoyment with no intended audience. For example I like to write in the highly encoded style of James Joyce, to see how much various meaning can be put into a single sentence. That's probably not the best kind of writing for the internet, but ultimately lots of writing ends up being only for the writer's enjoyment, as all of your ideas actually demonstrate with painfully apparent mediocrity. But beyond that writing can also be for remembering something, organizing a thought, making vandalism, relieving stress, a nervous compulsion, an act of freedom or other political action, a ruse, etc. Not just communication. I post ideas to the halfbakery because I am a public person who doesn't believe strongly in intellectual property or is critical of it in the free exchange of ideas. If someone deleted the idea with the intention of assuming some of the work as their own, that's OK with me, I just have disgust for anyone who is like that. Ultimately something bad will eventually happen to each of you or someone close to you and the thought of that consoles me. Just remember when you are in pain who is laughing. |
//Even the argument that writing is for
communication is also too narrow, writing is also for
personal enjoyment with no intended audience.// |
True, writing can be written for the joy of words or
for abstract imagery. But if nobody here gets it,
perhaps the same rule applies as for humour: don't
tell them they're stupid.
Just reconsider and move on. |
Also, if there's //no intended audience//, would you
not be better off doing all this stuff offline? I make
shopping lists on my computer, but I don't generally
post them here. |
//as all of your ideas actually demonstrate with
painfully apparent mediocrity.// |
//something bad will eventually happen to each of
you or someone close to you and the thought of that
consoles me// |
As I mentioned, when you're cross you write quite
clearly, [RC]. |
[nineteenthly] I'm sure, or at least I hope, that the
HB can survive all this. It must look pretty odd to
someone visiting, but it's not like we don't have
several boxes of odd lying around already. |
TBH, it wasn't strictly on-topic [MB], I'm just curious about
its ultimate fate. I didn't think anyone had single-handedly
killed the place. |
This place is a forum with many and rapidly-proliferating
threads. We're at liberty not to pay attention to all of
them. |
If you don't find an idea interesting or understandable leave it without comment. The point about writing being for a writer's own enjoyment, try to appreciate the experience of the writer as he makes the idea. It is better understood in cases where the idea is poorly received, but the idea I'm trying to get across is that it was a funny or enjoyable idea for the writer to produce. An end in itself, not a communication: a means to an end, in one sense of understanding those now Kantian concepts. But I don't understand why anyone would comment on an idea they don't understand and how another user would post this idea to make a new thread about the idea as an insult to me, as well as the coordinated deletion of my ideas. This is deserving of violent action, and when I find [Ling] I will pummel him into a pulp, form him into sheets of paper, and mail him to his family in advance of my arrival. |
How, exactly ? Air strikes would be our first suggestion ... |
// I like to write in the highly encoded style of James Joyce, // |
Ahh, the "efflorescent specious bollocks" school of literature ... |
// to see how much various meaning can be put into a single
sentence. // |
... and then presumably correct the grammar later ? |
Either "how many various meanings" or "how much varied meaning"
would be correct. |
// painfully apparent mediocrity. // |
A quality for which you clearly continue to strive (which is in itself
laudable), but consistently fail to attain. |
// But beyond that writing can also be for remembering something,
organizing a thought, making vandalism, relieving stress, a nervous
compulsion, an act of freedom or other political action, a ruse, etc. Not
just communication. // |
Presumably you intend "all of the above". |
// I post ideas to the halfbakery because I am a public person who
doesn't believe strongly in intellectual property or is critical of it in the
free exchange of ideas. If someone deleted the idea with the intention
of assuming some of the work as their own, that's OK with me, I just
have disgust for anyone who is like that. // |
That's almost coherent - better go back and edit it out, quick. |
// Ultimately something bad will eventually happen to each of you or
someone close to you and the thought of that consoles me. // |
And vice versa, presumably. |
// Just remember when you are in pain who is laughing. // |
What if it only hurts when you laugh ? |
Maybe one of you guys really wants to get fucked up in real life. |
<EDIT> As [RC] is currently unable to respond, I've
deleted my anno. |
[RC] if you're reading this, my email address is still on
my profile page. Feel free to get in touch. |
//Maybe one of you guys really wants to get fucked up in real life.
rcarty, Dec 29 2014 // |
I don't think [Jutta] likes that kind of talk. |
I have seen a lot of bickering on this website, most of it good natured, some really vile but almost always there was a bit of a Blackadder quality to it.
You see when lord Blackadder insults someone it's funny and clever. |
The bickering above is just shamefull. |
"This is a different thing. It's spontaneous and it's called ' wit'" |
//Ultimately something bad will eventually happen to each of you or someone close to you and the thought of that consoles me. Just remember when you are in pain who is laughing.// //Maybe one of you guys really wants to get fucked up in real life.// |
If you mean what I think you mean... then stop it! It's one thing to surround yourself with mirrors to reflect back what is cast at you, and quite another to allow them to amplify and lase, especially knowing that posting ideas incomprehensible to most would result in their deletion. The ends justify the means only for the ignorant. |
You are not ignorant [rcarty]. |
Thank you [limpnotes]
I needed that. |
as for the stoics...Marcus Aurelius "If someone wrongs you, don't worry about it as both you and the other person will soon be dead, and quickly forgotten". Cheers Marcus..I feel so much better for that. |
<recycling red dwarf joke>Remember that time Marcus worked on the anti-suicide helpline? "Lemming Tuesday" they called in the press... |
Guessing he never got a lot invitations to parties. |
Let me suggest that the remarkable Halfbakery
home page personal editing functions provide a
very simple solution to all. |
Hah! I never knew there was an *unwanted* category! Thanks
and Happy New Year! xox |
Now there's a man who knew how to throw a party
Well, from wikipedia, yet another Roman wally, who didn't last long.. |
I get the feeling the Roman empire only existed at all, because the surrounding areas were even more badly governed.. |
[Ling], please don't take this the wrong way but,
since the Halfbaker who prompted this idea is no
longer among us, maybe it's time to cremate this
one? |
// the Halfbaker who prompted this idea is no longer among us |
I get the impression that he is taking time off from
the HB. |
You always were good at impressions. |
Strange how there seem to be one fewer of Sturton's curare-tipped darts in his South American artifacts collection.. |
Blast, we didn't think you'd notice ... sorry. |
// You always were good at impressions. // |
"Good" doesn't come close; the whole family are talented in that
direction. For instance, the intercalary's copy of "Hay Harvest at
Éragny" by Camille Pisarro got him a Gold Medal from the Acedemie,
and a 20-month suspended sentence from a New York district judge. |
It could have been much worse, but fortunately the American judiciary
is the best that money can buy. |
I will not have the name of the intercalary dragged
through the mud in this way. Oh, wait, his name
hasn't been dragged. |
Howevertheless, I must emphasise that the entire
incident was the result of a terrible misunderstanding
of the sort that could happen to anyone. |
As for the missing curare dart, need I remind you that
the 1st of January is the start of the coypu season in
these parts? |
// the result of a terrible misunderstanding of the sort that could
happen to anyone. // |
That sounds suspiciously like the same excuse that Sturton used
after serving Leatherback Turtle Eggs Benedict to the delegates at
that World Wildlife Fund working breakfast. |
Mind you, the way that Prince Phillip was tucking into the buffet
fortunately constituted a useful distraction. He does damned well for
an old bloke ... but getting one of the waiters to carry the leftovers out
to the Rolls was a trifle tactless. Ah well, a short life but a merry one -
unless, of course you're a leatherback turtle, in which case it's just
short. |
// start of the coypu season in these parts? |
Been waiting for a good time to do the "coypu and paste" gag, and this isn't it. |
| |