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Landing Vote System

Airline passengers instantly score pilot's landing.
  (+3, -1)
(+3, -1)
  [vote for,

Passengers punch in score via in-seat entertainment console immediately after landing. Statistics instantly processed and displayed. Data fed by internet to central performance checking centres. Interactive too, as pilot explains why some landings have to be hard due to wind shear etc. Passengers then enter 'bull' rating. All stats accessible to future selective passengers in booking flights etc.

While we're at it - why not have a "what the hell was that?" button and display so that the flight crew can determine the anxiety level after clunks, bangs, sudden jerky movements etc. and thus whether to make an announcement. Again, this can be followed up with a "bull" rating.

thantox, Apr 07 2001


       Several hundred backseat drivers all at once. Whatever happened to "Any landing you can walk away from is a good one."?
sirrobin, Apr 07 2001

       Yeah, let 'em do their job. The pilots have to sit through a more landings than we ever do; if it's hard for us, it's harder for them (even if their seats are cushier).
egnor, Apr 07 2001

       There's no gauge for the pilots to look at until the plane has landed, i.e. come to a stop. Or the pilots can get the result during debrief. Of course, no need to pressure the pilots during the actual landing but why isolate them from their customers? Give them quality feedback from the passenger's perspective so that they can at least feel rewarded for a good job or work towards perfecting their landing skills and consistency. I've experienced many strange landings in certain Far Eastern, S.E. Asian countries. When this happens its not like we can currently ask for an explanation or register concern or disapproval.   

       However, the "what the hell was that" may be useful in flight. For example, a shy, unconfident passenger thinks he /she notices a jet fighter plane shadowing very closely. He's not sure, so is reluctant to inform the hostess. Or maybe passenger thinks the captain knows all about it and it would be silly of him to point it out. Now, with the "what the hell was that" button, its quite likely that a fair number of passengers would press their buttons and a useful feedback loop established.   

       33,000 feet in international airspace:   

       Co-pilot: "Uh-oh, amber light"   

       Captain: "Turn it off"   

       Co-pilot: "But Jim, I got a reading here...26% of the self-loading cargo are moaning about some jet fighter stalking us"   

       Captain: "Just turn it off. While your at it, punch in a '9.9'..no '10' on the LVS.
thantox, Apr 08 2001

       I prefer the spontaneous applause that breaks out when the pilot has just completed a difficult landing, in bad weather and at night, smoothly.   

       If the pilot can hear it, that's got to feel good.
1percent, Apr 10 2001

       All your bull are belong to US (Airways).
pnewp, Apr 10 2001

       ...enough with the AY*BTU, already.
iuvare, Apr 10 2001

       what you say, iuvare?
Wes, Apr 10 2001

       I support PeterSealy's "vote on where to land" annote...   

       Imagine the joy of being able to call your boss from accidental-Aruba. I'd volunteer for way more business travel in my line of work.
tminus12, Sep 17 2001


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