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Junk Spotter Site

Find out where potentially useful junk is!
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Have you ever passed a skip containing some junk, like old pipes or magazine or whatever, and thought "Someone, somewhere would find that useful?" But you know it's just going to get thrown out. Well, in steps the Junk Spotter site. Users can enter a city/location and time for junk they have spotted, with details of the junk. Similarly, you can browse or search the registered junk in your city for anything tasty looking.

The idea might also be extended to users being able to specify what junk they have in their house for others to take. Recycle recycle!

There are legal issues, however; I believe that rubbish in a skip/outside a house remains the property of the person who threw it away (until the point it gets removed by the council or whoever).

lardus, Mar 04 2003

Here's one! http://www.halfbake...nk_20Spotter_20Site
We can post links to them here [FloridaManatee, Oct 04 2004]

GPS camera http://www.halfbake...PS_20Camera_2fvideo
Mickey's camera [FloridaManatee, Oct 04 2004]


       Sounds useful.   

       Suggested category - "Public: Recycling"
8th of 7, Mar 04 2003

       Junk Spotter + Marketing Spin = "Recycling Tsar" or "Re-resource Manager"... etc.   

       Don't see why not.
Jinbish, Mar 04 2003

       Nice idea, but how would you know what other people would find useful? I am constantly astonished at the stuff salvaged by the skip-divers at my local dump. (But then again, they probably wonder why I keep some of the junk currently in my basement.)
Could people register a list of stuff that other people would look out for? "I need a piece of cabling conduit about 4 feet long, 3 Ford Mondeo wiper blades and a spatula. Thanks."
angel, Mar 04 2003

       I had thought that between builder's salvage yards, automotive salvage yards, and Goodwill Industries (probably known as "Council Thrift Shops" in the UK) that most of the most useful junk was already accounted for in an organized fashion. Obviously, though, these operations are intended to pay employee salaries and hopefully even turn an operating profit from year to year, and so the junk that they re-offer is rarely as free as that from your neighbor's skip.   

       //The idea might also be extended to users being able to specify what junk they have in their house for others to take. Recycle recycle// All communities I'm familiar with have classified ad sections for building materials, auto parts, and used furnishings and clothing in their local newspaper. Most have weekly publications (frequently called "The Recycler" or "The Green Sheets") that are devoted solely to putting together people who want to clean out their garages with people who want to fill them up.
jurist, Mar 04 2003

       I think the author is referring to toss-outs that are seen by happy accident. For instance, at an apartment building I used to live in, we had a pretty good buddy system - if someone stated a need, it was often filled later by someone who heard the need, saw the *one wo/man's junk = another wo/man's treasure* set out - buzzed 'em via cell/home/woik phone, and grabbed the item if it was of good quality to take to the person who stated the need. The difference in the idea is - *wanted*>*spotted*, rather than *wanted*>*delivered*.
thumbwax, Mar 04 2003

       Baked: ebay.
krelnik, Mar 04 2003

       Well, that was my first thought too, but how often does e-bay feature people giving away stuff that they found? "Seen in a dumpster on 94th and Park: two Camaro brake discs and a hamster cage. Buyer collects."
angel, Mar 04 2003

       "There are legal issues, however; I believe that rubbish in a skip/outside a house remains the property of the person who threw it away (until the point it gets removed by the council or whoever)."
Not in the U.S.. If you put it out for pickup, it's open season.

       A nicer way to do this would be for the tosser to post what they intend to toss. This makes sure nothing gets overlooked. On the other hand, if I think something has value, I might want to sell it versus giving it away.
phoenix, Mar 04 2003

       But [phoenix], if I rent a skip and fill it with my stuff, it's still *my* stuff. I may be using the skip to transport it.
angel, Mar 04 2003

       // [there are not legal issues] in the U.S.. If you put it out for pickup, it's open season. // - phoenix   

       I meant in the UK, where I am. At least, I think that's how it is here...   

       // Baked: ebay. // - Krelnik   

       ...no, ebay is people selling things, I'm talking about people saying where they saw some useful looking junk, and other people being able to search a database of such items for things that interest them.   

       // Nice idea, but how would you know what other people would find useful? ... Could people register a list of stuff that other people would look out for? // - angel   

       I think you'd just guess what looked potentially useful, although your idea of people being able to say "I would like the get X" might be an nice idea too...
lardus, Mar 04 2003

       //the tosser//
define: tosser
thumbwax, Mar 04 2003

       I cannot get away from the thought of Mr Junk Spotter (Tosser to Tossee) - super hero.
po, Mar 04 2003

       We did this exact idea before. But now I can't find it.
DrCurry, Mar 04 2003

       I once saw two males arguing over some objects that were placed on a curb outside a home. I'm certain they were both scavengers due to the way they had strategically parked their respective vehicles and the body language that implied staking a claim(pointing, stamping etc). It looked like they were really going to cause one another harm over what looked to be a cabinet, a washing machine and some old cruddy lamps. A website like this would have people conflicting for crap all over the city. I like it.
ImBack, Mar 04 2003

       THAT'S MINE!
snarfyguy, Mar 04 2003

       the best stuff is down in the watery layer.
notme, Mar 05 2003

       you have to be careful. remember what happened when homer took krusty's old trampoline? huh? HUH? you have to wonder why that old washer-dryer is sitting in a skip. could it be that it is possessed by the spirit of gene roddenberry, who will endlessly bore you with tales of william shatner's wild dressing room orgies and the story about the real reason why bones was in such a bad mood? think about it.
sambwiches, Mar 05 2003

       You need MTF's GPS Camera invention (with internet link) to make this idea work.
FloridaManatee, Mar 05 2003


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