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John Smith is Safe

Service to obfuscate your identity
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I discovered recently that my data footprint on the internet is somewhat protected by the fact that I have a much more notable namesake (deceased) with lots of articles, pages and references dedicated to them. I’m not overly paranoid about data hygiene, and I’ve not much to hide, but I realise a determined and persistent researcher could probably identify details personal enough that I would feel uncomfortable. Also that, as we get progressively closer to omniscient AI systems, retrospectively, they will be able to cross-correlate across huge volumes of data and identify everything you or I ever posted. (Hi there!)

I propose a service for those who are concerned about maintaining a modicum of privacy online: provide us with (say) your name, and rough geographic area.

For an ongoing fee, our team of bloggers, posters and social media obsessives will generate multitudes of cyber- personalities filling the web-waves with inane chatter and pointless opinion, outrageous commentary, and ridiculous idiocy, with multiple permutations of accounts that “might” be you.

Now linking you to anything *you* actually say will be rendered virtually impossible.

Premium service for Presidents and Prime-Ministers

Frankx, Nov 27 2019


       I'll take the jumbo package with extra social media and a side of real-world gossip.
Voice, Nov 27 2019

       We can definitely do that for you [Voice]! Are there any particular viewpoints you’d like obfuscated?   

       We have a “Katie Hopkins” special on at the moment: racism, islamophobia, classism, general offensiveness and insensitivity across the board.
Frankx, Nov 27 2019

       My position is that the REAL me doesn't actually exist on- line; all my accounts for commenting and such are pseudonyms (except my "name" e-mail, which I don't use for any website accounts as such) and only contain the details that are relevant (ie. very few).
Also my real name is quite common, so anyone looking for the "real" me has a rather large haystack to dig through.
But I do like the idea: anonymity through over-abundance, aka "hiding in a crowd".
neutrinos_shadow, Nov 27 2019

       How do we know you are the real Frankx?
not_morrison_rm, Nov 28 2019

       If you cut him in half across the middle, it says "Frankx" all the way through, like seaside rock.   

       Please, do try to keep up.
8th of 7, Nov 28 2019


       I didn’t say any of that ^^   

       FAKE NEWS!
Frankx, Nov 29 2019

       // I discovered recently that my data footprint on the internet is somewhat protected by the fact that I have a much more notable namesake (deceased) with lots of articles, pages and references dedicated to them.   

       Do I correctly interpret this as saying that you've lived however many years without hearing of St. Francis Xavier (who has many big things named after him) until recently?
notexactly, Nov 30 2019

       //St Francis Xavier// Dang, you found me! I’ve only been legally dead for the past 467 years for tax reasons, of course.
Frankx, Dec 02 2019

       I wonder if this might be a bad thing for a career...
RayfordSteele, Dec 04 2019


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