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It's Really Not The Thunderbirds, I swear

A corporation devoted to doing the right thing. For a fee.
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In our morally bankrupt [heh], spiritually devoid Western lives, we all hate our jobs and have no faith in our employers to treat employees or shareholders with respect, or to do the right, or even legal, thing in business. Most of us would love to quit our meaningless jobs and pursue our bliss. And what bliss would suit nearly everyone?


Yup, that's right. Fighting evildoers in old-fashioned, comic book hero, Saturday morning TV, GI Joe style: with a modern twist. It's the antidote to today's gimme gimme mentality. Get paid to give good to others.

The company: Worldwide Extraction, Limited. A non-governmental para-military corporation.

Mission statement: Executing justice globally through superior planning. We go where others fear to tread and we are always on your side. Only righteous causes supported.

Description: Worldwide Extraction, Ltd. specializes in search and rescue and retrieval operations under the most challenging conditions. Have a loved one captured by rebel forces in Rwanda? Looking for an escaped crazed military despot in Central America? Need some leverage with the Iranian government in order to put a halt to the women being stoned to death for adultery while the men go unpunished? WorldWide Extraction can help.

Worldwide Extraction maintains a globally-ready team to fulfill your contract for justice.

WorldWide Extraction will accept contracts from world goverments upon approval, but is not a government sponsored entity.

Needed Expertise: pilots & flight techs, communications specialists, search & rescue, engineers, medical specialists, travel experts, trainers, logistics specialists, linguists. Would hire heavily from the former military and law enforcement pool.

It's a business everyone can feel good about. Unless you're the bad guy.

*Props to cheesy marketing and motivational-speaker types who noticed that the company's initials spell "WE".

trinityX, Jan 09 2004

(?) Thunderbirds are go! http://www.thunderbirdsonline.com
International Rescue, a supermarionated family business. [Laughs Last, Oct 04 2004]

International Risk Management http://www.irm-hq.com/
A private company providing services including emergency evacuation, protection services, hostage negotiation, natural disaster response, counter-surveillance, security, investigative services, surveillance, and "undercover sting operations". [kropotkin, Oct 04 2004]

Carnelian International http://www.carnelia...ional.com/index.htm
Experts in crisis management and response, executive protection, kidnap prevention and negotiation, surveillance, investigation, and conflict resolution. [kropotkin, Oct 04 2004]

More thunderbirdsery http://www.halfbake...acy_20is_20a_20Wimp
//Does anyone else remember Thunderbirds?//...LaughsLast, you're kidding right?
(link only tangentally relevant) [DrBob, Oct 04 2004]


       //morally bankrupt//
Could you please direct me to the nearest branch location. I need to see if my account is still open ...

       //Need some leverage with the Iranian government in order to put a halt to the women being stoned to death for adultery while the men go unpunished?//   

       Thats their culture. Even as morally wrong as it may seem to the average Joe anywhere else, you're still using this system to your own ends. Much as businesses are doing right now. This would't stop corruption, or wrong doing, but instigate it on an international level.   

       //WorldWide Extraction will accept contracts from world goverments upon approval, but is not a government sponsored entity.//   

       See Soldier Of Fortune Magazine. Hire mercenaries. If they won't do it for free, then do it yourself. Note that this probably wouldn't be condoned under ANY international treaty, and would probably be chalked-up as terrorism.
Letsbuildafort, Jan 09 2004

       Does anyone else remember The Thunderbirds?
Laughs Last, Jan 09 2004

       I remember that show. Never too fond of it, though.
Letsbuildafort, Jan 09 2004

       It was awfully silly.
Laughs Last, Jan 09 2004

       i could never make it past the theme music, honestly, but i'm sure i could work the slo-mo bobblehead animation style in here somehow...
trinityX, Jan 09 2004

       trinityX: I belive they have a company like that. In fact, it's called THE company.   

       LetsBuildAFort: I think we have to get over the "it's their culture" mumbo-jumbo where lives of people are concerned. Otherwise eventually we get to Rwanda and Bosnia.
theircompetitor, Jan 09 2004


       Can you say "mercenary"?   

       ...knew you could.
ato_de, Jan 10 2004

       In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...
Fishrat, Jan 10 2004

       <B.A.> That's harsh, you crazy fool. By the way... I ain't gettin' in no damn plane, sucker. </B.A.>
Fishrat, Jan 10 2004

       / give good to others /
Reminiscent of something I have heard, but there was a second part to it about “as you would have them give good to you”. It might be arranged with some other governments that they should not hang our self-righteous mercenaries if we permit theirs to come here and correct our society. Is that what you had in mind as a cure for moral bankruptcy?
This must be overly subtle satire; otherwise it would have to be deleted as racist and unoriginal. Such orginizations are common. Participants are free to rationalize their involvements as they please. I just enjoy killing.
Fussass, Jan 10 2004

       //I think we have to get over the "it's their culture" mumbo-jumbo where lives of people are concerned. //   

       We don't stop people from drinking, skydiving, motorcycle racing, buying sports cars, and the like just because "lives are involved". I say, let them do what they are going to do, and leave them alone. If its THAT bad, then may they find a way out on their own accord.
Letsbuildafort, Jan 10 2004

       i would honestly have to fishbone this idea. Even though the idea of having the boy scout qualities of a comic book super hero to come save the day seems so good, it cannot be equal throughout. Like lbaf said...different cultures have different views on what is right and what is wrong. So it would be in fact wrong of us to judge their lives based on what WE consider to be right/wrong.
babyhawk, Jan 10 2004

       letsbuildafort: I'll for letting people jump of buildings, smoke, etc but this is different.   

       Unfortunately, often it's THAT bad and no one does anything. For instance, I believe that had we intervened when the Buddahs were being shot at by artilerry fire in Afghanistan, we may not have had 9/11. Sometimes it is up to us to do something, since no one else wants to do it. I know it's a tough sell -- witness the reaction to the Bush administration around the planet.
theircompetitor, Jan 10 2004

       I thought that the whole 9/11 thing was brought about by westerners on Islamic holy ground. Our simple presence laid the groundwork for tragedy.   

       //often it's THAT bad and no one does anything//
So why don't the oppressed take action? Are they taking action? Is their action adequate? I think its a simple law of nature that if your situation ever becomes grave enough you will seek a way out at virtually any cost. The heros of our past have done the same thing. POWs in Viet Nam, internment camp prisoners in WW2, the list will go on. By all means, take as much action as necessary, I just find it hard to heed a call to relieve suffering by someone that is living in relative comfort ...
Letsbuildafort, Jan 10 2004

       //So why don't the oppressed take action?//   

       according to them that is WHY 9/11 happened. They were oppressed my us trying to conrol them and ruin their way of life. If we had left them alone this MAY not have happened. But figuring people will find a way to destroy if that is what they want to do there may have been NO way to avoid it.
babyhawk, Jan 10 2004

       Not sure where to go with this. Why don't the oppressed take action? As in not bombing the train lines and waiting for the Warsaw Ghetto uprising?   

       Westerners on Islamic holy ground? Have you seen the demographics in Spain, France, England and Italy?   

       I'm all for the Live And Let Live philosophy -- but one has to recognize that when others do not live by that philosophy they need to be met head on.
theircompetitor, Jan 10 2004

       //I'm all for the Live And Let Live philosophy -- but one has to recognize that when others do not live by that philosophy they need to be met head on.//   

       agreed there. I am for defending ourselves. But if we butt in and try to help defend someone else, we may be getting in over our heads. But trying to help is not really a bad thing......i just think that there is no really good way to do either. They both obviously have their risks.
babyhawk, Jan 10 2004

       //they need to be met head on.//
Where do you meet them head-on as not to be hipocritical to our own philosophy?

       //Westerners on Islamic holy ground? Have you seen the demographics in Spain, France, England and Italy?//   

       I can't site a specific statement to reforce my argument, at this point unfortunately. I'll see if I can find what I was reading a while back on why the Taliban was attacking the U.S. and its citizens. They cited U.S. incursion onto Islamic holy ground as the reason for the attacks.
Letsbuildafort, Jan 10 2004

       babyhawk -- of course there are risks, that's why leadership takes courage, and in democracies especially, the very real possibility of losing the next election
theircompetitor, Jan 10 2004

       Many organisations like this already exist [see links], except they act for the interests of rich western corporations (who are the only ones who can pay for their services). So if you want them to kidnap George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld or Henry Kissinger for war crimes trials, you're probably out of luck.   

       But don't all ideas called The Real XXXX come into the category of ""Wasn't that cool, that thing I saw in the movie? Wouldn't it be neat if it were real?" anyhow?
kropotkin, Jan 10 2004

       I was about ready to mark it WTCTTISITtvWIBNIIWR, but then the conversation really got lively today.   

       Oh, and, welcome to Halfbakery, [trinityX]. Don't let the responses scare you off.
Laughs Last, Jan 10 2004

       Thanks, Laughs Last.   

       Noteworthy: I never said anything about assassinations, kidnappings, overthrowing governments or changing dominant social paradigms, did i? You guys came up with all that on your own :)   

       Unfortunately, after looking at kropotkin's kindly provided links, I feel the need to fishbone *myself*. Good idea, not very original, apparently.
trinityX, Jan 10 2004

       Parker and Penelope - last seen outside Harrods in a sleeping bag waiting for the New Year's Sale.
po, Jan 10 2004

       Thunderbirds was an excellent show! Still runs regularly here in Canada and a movie is coming out in 2004 The only thing missing was weapons to blast the disbelievers.You know who you are.
python, Jan 11 2004

       Canada seems to be the ace place to live!
po, Jan 11 2004

       I want the organization to be run by marionettes!
travbm, Oct 29 2015

       Interestingly, there is an organisation called "International Rescue", inspired by the Thunderbirds.   

       It's a charity which sends trained volunteers to help in disaster recovery.
Loris, Oct 30 2015

       Anyone watch Rescue heroes? Rescue Heroes and Thunder-birds are both international rescue organizations. I mean a world wide disaster response team come on the similarities abound.
travbm, Oct 31 2015


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