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Isladic Jiham

Join Radical Islamists to fight radical Islamists
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Convert to the Radical Islamist version of Islam accepting its rules.

Welcome! You are now a radical Islamist. This has two benefits.

1. They stop trying to kill you because you are now on their side.

2. Now you can eradicate the radical Islamists, Take your time, using non-lethal methods to catch them, indoctrinate their families with Chinese-style re-education, and get most of the countries in the UN to support you.

In fact everybody will support you. You are a radical Islamist so they support you. And you are eradicating radical Islam, so everybody else supports you.

pashute, Oct 27 2023

The 1988 Palestinian Decleration of Independence https://en.wikisour...ion_of_Independence
Just in case you want to read it carefully [pashute, Oct 27 2023]

children re-education [21:02] https://www.youtube...v7AYyUqrMuQ&t=1280s
Vice TV [pashute, Nov 01 2023]


       Isn't this just basically entryism, which is widely known to exist.
pocmloc, Oct 27 2023

       No. It's a non-violent solution to the problem. Probably the only non-violent solution.
pashute, Oct 29 2023

       Or you just intermarry.
RayfordSteele, Oct 30 2023

       Intermarriage worked in the case of the Tutsy and Hutu in Rwanda, at least according to Eitan Stibbe's Rwandan Kibbutz idea.   

       But in England, it seems it is being counter-productive in that regard. No?   

       What do you think about the Chinese forced re-education program for the Uygurs? (link)
pashute, Nov 01 2023

       I don't think there are enough Hutus or Tutsis in England for them to have any noticeable effect on global community interrelations no matter how much they intermarry.
pocmloc, Nov 01 2023

       Or those countries take women out of the kitchen and replace their positions with women. Smarter, and less likely to start wars. History has shown. (I made that part up)
blissmiss, Nov 02 2023


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