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Inventor's UPS

Uninterruptable Power Supply with a difference
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Uninterruptable Power Supplies have been around for years. Simply put, they are large stacks of batteries that power important systems in the event of a power cut.

The inventors UPS would be able to both receive and supply power in a wide variety of voltages, to the maximum power of which the unit is capable.

It could, for example, supply your computer with smooth AC power from one bank of batteries while charging the other bank of batteries from your wind turbine, or an experimental solar panel/electric rowing machine/whatever. When the power from the alternaive device ceases or drops below the input needed, it tops itself up from the mains. Data on power supplied and delivered over time could be read from a serial/network port on the UPS.

I was going to save this for the next time we got a rash of gym-power ideas but, it being close to the end of the year, my brain felt like a clear-out.

st3f, Dec 29 2002


       Very nice!
madradish, Dec 29 2002

       I love it. Good luck selling such a complicated item though, succesfully.
mtoonsdale, May 18 2004

       most UPS are almost as complicated as this.
mr2560, Dec 13 2004

       this is uselessly overcomplicated. If you already have the circuitry to convert the DC batt voltage to AC for your computer etc, and you already have the circuitry to provide steady DC charging voltage from your wind turbine, there is no reason they they can't supply and receive from the same battery simultaneously.   

       If you don't believe me look under the hood of your car. You'll only find one battery, yet that battery can supply power to your ignition coil, headlights, radio etc while simultaneously being recharged by the alternator.   

       I used to have an amp-meter hooked up in series with my car battery. It was pretty interesting watching what goes on. When starting the car there would be a HUGE positive current (that was current *leaving* the battery meaning the battery was *supplying* power). When the engine was running there would nearly always be some negative current, meaning that the alternator was supplying all the power run the engine and accessories, and still have surplus power to recharge the battery. Interestingly, right after a start the negative current would be quite large, then as the battery recharged itself the current gradually reduced itself (the battery's voltage started to get back up towards the 13.7volts of teh alternator, resulting in zero net current/energey flow 'tween batt and alternator)   

       Anyway, in some cases if I had the heater, defroster, radio, amplifier and highbeams on while the engine was only idling the alternator would not be able to keep up with the energy demand (and its voltage would sag) and then the current from the battery would go positive again, indicating that the battery was being called on to help-out the alternator.   

       This transition between the battery being in recharge vs supply mode happened automatically and seamlessly, without any external switching components. It all comes down to the fact that current (and hence power/energy) flows from a positive voltage to a (relatively) negative voltage. Its all about V=IR
ServoMan314, Jun 21 2008

       I need some help from one of the electronics experts around here....as per servoman's anno, I would like to connect two DC voltages source, and have one supplement the other to ensure a consistent voltage output... The Idea is to convert household current to DC, and use it to supplement the DC from a solar panel. This is then converted to AC to operate a refridgerator. I am not sure however, how to ensure that the household current is always secondary in the "topping up" process.
senatorjam, Sep 23 2009

       //this is uselessly overcomplicated//
Obligatory bun.
coprocephalous, Sep 23 2009

       The main UPS can be kept at a given voltage.   

       The DC energy inputs/outputs can be fitted with DC-DC converters.   

       The AC energy inputs/outputs can be fitted with AC-DC converters.
cecil0132, Sep 23 2009


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