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Intimidating Bat Weapon

A scary baseball bat
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Normal baseball bats are intimidating only when held by someone who can wield it properly. If used by some puny man with high shorts, I would jump him, with maybe, a wrench?.. What he needs is a baseball bat that is more intimidating.

Imagine a bat then when you twist the bottom, spikes or blades pop put the bat, a capacitor is heard charging with an occasional arc leaping between blades and spikes. To top it off, how about puting a flash-bang at the top of it, triggered by a button on the bottom of the bat.

Potential Problems: need to warn the user that although this provides him with more protection and makes his balls look bigger, per se, he should definitely back down once a gun is pulled on him. He should definitely offer his bat as a gift and run away.

twitch, Apr 04 2007

Pretty darn Baked http://luksavat.tripod.com/mace.jpg
They're called "maces." [DrCurry, Apr 04 2007]

Halfbaked too (replace/bat/sword/* *) Eco-sword
[phundug, Apr 04 2007]


       //he should definitely back down once a gun is pulled on him.//   

       You might as well have a gun pop out of the bat whilst you're at it.
skinflaps, Apr 04 2007

       //You might as well have a gun pop out of the bat whilst you're at it.//
And a huge winged mouse with an AK47 and a murderous glint in its eye.

       One requirement that we've missed is the mechanism by which such an item might be affixed to a utility belt.
zen_tom, Apr 04 2007

       "We can't stop here, this is bat country!"
wagster, Apr 04 2007

       When playing baseball eject the spikes just before impact of the ball and then run a home run with the ball stuck to your bat.
theleopard, Apr 04 2007

       //When playing baseball eject the spikes just before impact of the ball and then run a home run with the ball stuck to your bat//

Rather like The Goodies did with cricket in the episode "2001 And A Bit".
DrBob, Apr 04 2007

       So, like, a mace combined with a stun baton, right? Can I get a lightsaber instead?
Noexit, Apr 04 2007

       No you can't have a light saber without inventing one.   

       nothing intimidates like deadly force. People can get really scared when they are dieing. The full knowlege that they will die if they mess with you is sometimes just as effective.   

       This sounds a little bit on the showy side with flashbangs. I have shocked myself with some of those 9 volt battery self defence wheapons, while it might scare you it is nothing you need to fear. people can get over it.   

       I have no intention of getting used to the idea of being shot with a gun and guns should be sufficient. I imagine this is a British idea or some large city idea with special rules to give your idea a niche. I think if you want to modify a bat to help a weak person I suggest a rocket booster to make the swing arc effective again. if these flash bangs are a propellant, cool. The lion fish advertizes, but he has something to advertize.
MercuryNotMars, Apr 04 2007

       Last time I checked, capacitors charge silently. Or are you going for intimidating silence?
oniony, Apr 04 2007

       Mercury: um, why would a British person post an idea involving a baseball bat? Or, indeed, post an idea about a "Call Center"...?
DrCurry, Apr 04 2007

       .... why would a British person post an idea involving a baseball bat?... where I live sales of baseball bats are very healthy, but no-one and I mean no-one plays baseball. What they do with them is hammer nails through the ends of them, then beat people with them, causing hideous injuries. This is a disgusting idea and I'm boning it. (-)
xenzag, Apr 04 2007

       It was more an idea meant for intimidation. Seeing such a vicious device, I think would scare someone. Maybe it is best to just put nails into a bat though.. seems to have more street cred, something you don't want to mess with.
twitch, Apr 11 2007

       //Last time I checked, capacitors charge silently.// My old camera flash charged up with a rising whine. That was the charging circuitry, not the capacitor, but I think that was what was meant.
baconbrain, Apr 11 2007

       Someone vote against this for me, I already did. The first bone is for being a horrid idea, the second for being a horrid idea that would probably get you laughed at.
Then hit.
Quite a lot.
stilgar, Apr 12 2007

       With your own bat.
stilgar, Apr 12 2007


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