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International Consensus On The Word For A Dog's Bark

I propose "RAURF!". We agree on that or something better, we're one small step closer to world peace.
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Below are the words for a dog barking in different languages. They range from pretty plausible (woef woef) to what the hell? (wang wang or ham ham)

English – woof, woof; ruff, ruff; arf, arf
Albanian – ham, ham
Basque – au, au; txau, txau (small dogs); zaunk, zaunk
Bengali – gheu, gheu
Burmese – woke, woke
Catalan – bau, bau; bub, bub
Chinese, Cantonese – wow, wow
Chinese, Mandarin – wang, wang
Indonesian – guk, guk
Irish – amh, amh
Japanese – wan-wan
Macedonian – av, av
Russian – gav, gav tyav, tyav
Ukrainian (dzyau, dzyau)

So the idea is to have the United Nations actually do something useful for a change, take a vote on what a dog bark is. I've suggested "raurf", it's the closest diphthong available to mimic a dog pushing a blast of air into his mouth that opens then closes. That's a bark, at least to my ears.

If there are better words that's fine, but the community of man could come together, talk about something a little less depressing than who's killing who that month and at least get some agreement on something.

If they vote to sanction the country that came up with "tyav tyav" I'm okay with that.

Addendum: The F is optional. "RAUR!" works too.

doctorremulac3, May 11 2022

Cat's meow in different languages. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meow
Not at all as varied as the dog's bark. They're all basically "meow". [doctorremulac3, May 12 2022]

Wikipedia: Cross-linguistic onomatopoeias https://en.wikipedi...istic_onomatopoeias
Oof. [jutta, May 12 2022]

International Consensus On The Words For 'push' / 'pull' on doors TOOTthedoor
Hi I share your intention to step closer to world peace. International Consensus On The Words For 'push' / 'pull' on doors would be really useful when you are abroad: [jratkai, May 17 2022]

Couldn't find it so check this out instead. https://www.youtube...watch?v=RXJKdh1KZ0w
[doctorremulac3, May 19 2022]

First electronic voice synthesizer https://www.youtube...watch?v=TsdOej_nC1M
[doctorremulac3, May 19 2022]

Kid replicated it. https://www.youtube...watch?v=gv9m0Z7mhXY
This kid's my hero. [doctorremulac3, May 19 2022]


       The question is; do different cultures hear sounds differently enough that they mimic vocally what they actually hear when a dog barks...
... and does crossing bloodlines lead to a differing audio perspective?

       Fascinating captain.   

       I had that exact same thought and it was kind of scary, like "Am I being racist?"   

       Back in my music biz days I bought a lot of music producing and processing gear. Asian stuff sounded very different in the high frequency range to me. European and American stuff sounded very pleasant while Asian gear often sounded harsh and "tinny". I wondered about different perceptions because the countries that were making this stuff were outstanding in their understanding and application of technology, I didn't feel it was bad engineering, but audio gear gets "tuned" (for lack of a better word) by human ears during the design process, it's not all oscilloscopes and frequency charts. Then I heard that one Asian country called a dog bark "chi chi". Maybe a Pekinese, but a regular sized dog?   

       Then I compared some Asian instruments to western and kind of got the same idea.   

       I'd like to ask some Japanese sound engineers what they're view is. Could this be a thing? Not perception of the frequency, I'm sure those are the same for everybody, but processing of it after it's heard. Could this be different among different people?   

       Wonder what other percussive sounds are written out by different cultures. Like an explosion, "BOOM!" for us for instance.
doctorremulac3, May 12 2022

       Interesting, just looked up cat's meow in different languages. Unlike the dog, most interpretations are very "meow" sounding. (linky)
doctorremulac3, May 12 2022

       Musical taste is heavily influenced by what you hear over and over, and well, that's culture. Compare the Western heptonic scale with Asian or Indian pentatonic or other musical scales, and you have the makings of discord.
RayfordSteele, May 12 2022

       Well there you go. That's why I come to this website, learn something new all the time.   

       The concept we're looking at here is: "Cross-linguistic onomatopoeias". Thank you Jutta!
doctorremulac3, May 12 2022

       Given that a dog's bark is about status and hierarchy, I wouldn't be surprised at all if a dog has different status in different countries. In German countries, a dog's bark means "I am the king, except for my private Hitler"
4and20, May 12 2022

       Actually I do thing RAUR is is more accurate.   

       Try it, loudly say "RAUR!". It's a dog's bark. Say it to a dog, get their opinion.
doctorremulac3, May 18 2022

       Different size dogs have different bark sounds from "ouh ouh" to "eep eep".   

       Perhaps there should be a large multi-page chart with measurements of the dog's head and neck capacity, alogn with conversion factors for specific breeds. Maybe a built in DNA testing kit for extra precision. With a cross-reference code table to look up the numbered IPA expression for the international standard pronunciation, and regional spelling norms, appropriate to that particular animal.
pocmloc, May 18 2022

       I con't consider a dog that says "eep eep" to be a dog, but yea, having various dog languages would be appropriate. I think "ouh ouh" sounds like a small dog.   

       Gave me an idea, thanks Poc.
doctorremulac3, May 18 2022

       Could you not just bark instead?
nineteenthly, May 19 2022

       But how would you spell it? "Bark" uses a K and enunciated by the back of the tongue pressing up against the palate. Dogs don't do that.   

       There's was an exhibit of various mouth shapes you could blow air through with a bellows to make talking sounds. There was also an old talking machine from I think the 1930s that you could play with a keyboard, I'll see if I can find the links.
doctorremulac3, May 19 2022


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