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Information systems are LOGS

so much money gets spent trying to model real world things into digital objects hierarchy, and creates a rigid system that might not fit how users think of the problem and what the computer does for them Instead users just DECIDE what to do and write what happened and the machine stores that decision and metadata
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Everything is a FEED and a log.

The system can automatically find precedence for what the operator decided when dealing with the customer

We can use tags in the free text field to work out what the operator was trying to change the state to.

This is similar to cqrs and event sourcing

But the users love it because they can just do things without the computer saying no.

Customer phones company and want to do something, the operator can just say something has been done

And that is it, it is done. Don't need to try shoehorn the request into a complex CRUD system.

chronological, Jan 18 2025

why-some-dvla-digital-services-dont-work-at-night https://dafyddvaugh...dont-work-at-night/
why government services IT are hard to get right [chronological, Jan 18 2025]


       So the machine watches you all the time and records every action that you take?   

       I think that is already widely known to exist.
pocmloc, Jan 18 2025

       //something has been done//   

       Kafka has entered the chat.
pertinax, Jan 19 2025

       Where does the metadata come from? Do the users have any say in that? If so, then you need much smarter users. If not, then you've just moved the hierarchy and rigidity from the code to the metadata, where it is actually worse than before. Trust me, I've seen this done.
pertinax, Jan 19 2025

       This idea is associated with the other idea on this site called "Work tag team"   

       Most CRUD (create, read, update, delete) applications have navigation to different kinds of objects.   

       Some are workflow systems.   

       I just think this kind of application is rigid and is hard to transform. I've worked with micro services multiple times and I thought it was a lot of code just to implement some law or policy that could have been written down by a user by invoking policies with plain text.   

       So in this idea I am proposing a syntax that users can write in a plain text field.   

       User can write like a doctor and write "pro re nata" (PRN) Move user policy onto XYZ, move this to there   

       The goal is that users can transform past state of the entire system and all the information to a new state easily, with plain text and not modifying different records and hoping the state machine does the right thing.
chronological, Jan 19 2025


       Users can use tags and at symbols to instruct system behaviour.   

       The goal is that system behaviour can be whatever the operator wants it to be.
chronological, Jan 19 2025

       When you phone a company and say you want to do something you use English to describe what you want them to solve or fix.   

       Unfortunately most companies have layers of ICT systems that do different things and a 100 different logins for different services.   

       It would be good if you could just say what you want done and that is it done.   

       So we use question answering systems for system state.
chronological, Jan 20 2025


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