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Illusory Snow Globe

I've finally had another brain fart since this plandemic started. 'bout time.
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Step one: Design a lenticular drinking glass to bend light in such a way that a seated observer sees the contents of the beverage container as opaque.
Step two: Design molds to freeze ice cube figurines while injecting incrementally more dense air pockets towards the base of each cube as it freezes.

This will make the figurines float inverted as though they are standing on the under-surface of the liquid.

Step three: fill with any carbonated beverage.

Any reflective surface beneath the glass will now appear as a snow globe with constantly replenishing 'snow' which doesn't need to be pumped back to the surface, it just collects at the what your brain is telling you is the 'bottom' of the illusion because that is all that you can see.

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       I'm not understanding step 1. If the drink appears opaque, how do you see the effects going on inside the glass?
21 Quest, Jul 19 2023

       Is this a cryptic reference to a "snow job"?
pertinax, Jul 19 2023

       // If the drink appears opaque, how do you see the effects going on inside the glass?//   

       You can only see what's going on inside the glass by the reflection so that the bubbles appear to be falling rather than rising.   

       My lawyers have informed me I should neither confirm nor deny that this may or may not be a cryptic reference to a snow job.   

       + well I see it…..
xandram, Jul 19 2023

       //Draw us a picture.//   

       If you are looking at the reflection of a carbonated beverage on a shiny table top then the bubbles appear to descend in the reflection.
If the lenticular pattern on the glass refracted light both upwards and downwards away from the plane of vision for someone seated, then you would only see the reflection and not the drink itself.

       I'm now picturing an upside down led streetlight within the glass casting a upwards cone of light to illuminate the downward drifting bubbles in the reflection with the ice cubes formed into two figures dancing in the snow to complete the illusion.   

       No. It's about angle of incidence. Like how most people are freaking out about videos of holding a piece of paper against a mirror with another object and then looking far enough sideways to be able to see the object itself in the mirror. As though they can't figure out how the mirror knows what's behind the paper.
If you refract all light downwards then you can only see the reflection of the drink unless you bend down far enough to see the light directly.

       This is very cool. Experiments must be done!
neutrinos_shadow, Jul 21 2023



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