My idea:
Recently, science has found that there are certain areas in the brain which are enlarged, or else stimulated, among those who profess a strong religious faith. They've perhaps identified a sort of 'god' center of the brain.
I think it might be a good idea to undertake a similar study
among those with a proven track record of creating useful and/or profitable ideas (people who create life-saving or life-enhancing devices, good software programmers, etc.) While they are at work in their labs/terminals/drawing boards, they would wear an especially developed portable EEG/MRI which would pinpoint the area(s) of highest activity in the brain.
Then, we make a hat that stimulates any user's brain to those levels of activity for use when pursuing creative endeavors.
Alternately, develop the 'pleasure 'trode' and give people the juice according to the level of creative output they put out according to an appropriate scale.
I did a search, but could not locate anything similar. If I didn't figure out the right terms and it's here already, let me know, and I'll delete this one myself.