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water gun to the next level
(+4, -4)
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The water gun is one of the most popular summer toys. But shooting and refilling water for a long period of time gets boring and monotonous. Meet the IceBlaster, a gun with an intensity level somewhere between that of a water gun and that of a paintball gun. The water is storred in a 1 liter tank that is compressed by high pressure nitrogen. The thing that freezes the water (Liquid Nitrogen) is storred in a seperate compressed container. The Liquid Nitrogen exits the gun through a long metal cylinder. The water is channeled around the outside of that cylinder where it exits at the same spot as the Liquid Nitrogen, instantly hitting it and freezing. Safe, efficient, and inexpensive? No. Fun? Absolutely.
acurafan07, Dec 13 2006

Polar snow http://www.polarsnow.com/how.htm
[Klaatu, Jul 14 2007]


       the perfect murder weapon?
jhomrighaus, Dec 13 2006

       By CryO2 do you mean liquid O2, or LOX? why O2??? Use nitrogen instead, or Co2. Both are chemically inert and easier to handle. You will have a great deal of trouble maintaining a coherent stream with a violently vapourising and expanding liquid being expelled at/near the same nozzle.   

       but good luck, sounds fun to play with.
Custardguts, Dec 13 2006

       wow, if you could make it shoot icicles or something at a higher power and/or ROF, it would be the perfect murder weapon. i'd buy it, hehe.
backdoorangel, Dec 13 2006

       Ok I just changed it from Cry02 to Liquid Nitrogen... That would be more practical
acurafan07, Dec 13 2006

       "What happened to him, Inspector?"   

       "No sign of a bullet... the pool of blood seems a little watery... by the looks of it, I'd say he's been icikilled."
imaginality, Dec 13 2006

       Good one, [imaginality]!
baconbrain, Dec 13 2006

       I had a friend who shot some cheating paintball player with a frozen paintball. THAT hurt. But if you're going for lethality, I don't know if the ice would be going fast enough, and you couldn't get it sharp/ pointy enough. Solution: get water hose and shove down throat, let water rush in, then put tube for liquid nitrogen and shoot. He will a big block of ice in his stomach.
twitch, Dec 13 2006

       [twitch], you're making me nervous. I hope you would follow this up with a shot of Jack Daniels?   

       I thought the Ice Gun would shoot sleet, to make the ground around your friends really slippery so they can't run and get you.
jmvw, Dec 13 2006

       Yeah I didn't really intend for it to be a murder weapon... That's why I put it under Product: Toy: Water
acurafan07, Dec 13 2006

       Frozen paintballs pack a wallop. I would think this would too.
bungston, Dec 14 2006

       exactly how is this safe? children shooting iceicles at one another is a very short lived game
shinobi, Dec 14 2006

       Compressed liquid nitrogen? That would be scary.
ldischler, Dec 14 2006

       I believe those cans of computer duster that when held upside-down spray really cold liquid (And i mean frostbite cold) use compressed liquid nitrogen. Last I checked they're avaliable at any store like Staples for around $8.
acurafan07, Dec 22 2006

       //I believe those cans of computer duster... use compressed liquid nitrogen.// No, they don't. 1. Liquids don't compress. 2. Liquid nitrogen at atmospheric pressure boils at -320 deg. F. 3. Liquid nitrogen has a critical temperature of -232 deg. F. (that is, you can't keep nitrogen a liquid above that temperature no matter how much pressure you put on it.)   

       That means you can look at an uninsulated can on a store shelf and know with absolute certainty that it doesn't contain one whit of liquid nitrogen.
lurch, Jan 07 2007

       //That means you can look at an uninsulated can on a store shelf and know with absolute certainty that it doesn't contain one whit of liquid nitrogen.// Well I wouldn't argue except that I have used them before. If the can is standing up and is shot, a cold gas comes out as the computer duster. Then, when you turn it over and shoot it, a liquid comes out that can: cause frostbite, instantly freeze insects, freeze water, etc. I don't know what it is, but it certainly isn't anything that is liquid at room temperature. (If you spray some on any surface it evaporates almost instantly)
acurafan07, Jan 07 2007

       Contents vary, but are usually a short chain fluorinated hydrocarbon - such as difluoroethane (R-152a) or tetrafluoroethane (R-134a). At room temperature, they can be kept liquid if the pressure is high enough - around 50-70 psi, depending on the temp. At room temperature *and* pressure, they boil away instantly, stealing heat from everything around them - hands, water, insects, whatever you put it on. But they definitely *are* liquid in the can at room temperature.   

       An uninsulated can containing liquid nitrogen would freeze your fist solid if you were to pick up the can and hold it. If you put liquid nitrogen in a can, seal it up, and put it on a shelf, it will be only a matter of minutes before it explodes.
lurch, Jan 07 2007

       Hmmm...if I'm not mistaken then...

       yes...this has defiinitely,
(well almost definetly), churned the cesspool which will release a future idea bubble. (+)

       Crap, I already voted for this.   


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