Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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I'm not being sarcastic

To go with the snark symbol
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Whether your snark is /s, /snark, a backwards question mark, or something else it's lacking something. There are times where sarcasm is possible but not actually present. Along with the snark to represent snarcasm, we need the narc to represent narcasm. (defined as an apparently sarcastic statement intended to be taken at face value.) Since /n is taken I suggest overloading the exclamation mark to also imply a lack of snark! Of course there is some ambiguity in this usage, so perhaps a second bang could be used to emphasize the first.
Voice, Jul 22 2019


       // There are times where sarcasm is possible but not actually present. //   

       <Soothing voice>   

       Just relax. Let your worries fade into the background. Let calm feelings wash over you Tell us about those times. Do they happen often ? Do they worry you ? Where might you be when you get that feeling ?   

       Describe, in single words, only the good things that come into your mind about ... your mother.   

       <Soothing voice/>
8th of 7, Jul 22 2019

       // Since /n is taken //   

       To mean what?
notexactly, Jul 22 2019


       Basically a CR-LF (Chr 13, Chr 10) sequence in C, C++, Java and numerous other languages.   

       A /n embedded in a putfmt(); instruction forces a newline at that point in the output stream. Listen for the satisfying CLUNK as the Teletype head flies back to Column 1 (Column 0 if you have selected OPTION BASE 0).
8th of 7, Jul 22 2019

       Oh, of course. But that's not a conflict because nobody would use one in a context that would expect the other.
notexactly, Jul 22 2019

       Oh sure, of course I'm being sarcastic!!
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 22 2019

       " Describe, in single words, only the good things that come into your mind about ... your mother. "   

       I was always amazed at the amount of force transmitted to poor Holden by that small pistol - must have been a Gyrojet of some kind.
normzone, Jul 22 2019


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