Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
On the one hand, true. On the other hand, bollocks.

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Hypnotizing Halfbakery Post

Experiment to see if words can take control of the mind and turn the reader into a mindless drone.
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(+2, -1)
  [vote for,

You take a deep breath.

Breathe in.....

breathe out.

You feel at peace. You sense deep comfort and relaxation as you gaze at your computer screen... warm... bright... Happy thoughts fill your head as you let go of the stresses of the day... everything is mellow, calm. You relax your shoulders, your back, you take another deeeeep breath... and exhale slowly.

You reach for the mouse... friendly, like your little pet. It does look like a mouse. You smile. It's your friend. You maneuver it... you watch the little pointer move about the screen, that fun little arrow.

You hover over the various options... you move over the "vote for" button and you feel at once a sense of alignment with the universe, a oneness.

You click the bun button. Nirvana. As you click it a bun appears... as if from an all seeing... all loving entity that embraces you... takes you in... loves you...


Okay, end of experiment, let's see how this worked.

doctorremulac3, Apr 28 2023

I bow to your new moniker. https://www.youtube...watch?v=ZKn8MsBSKq4
[doctorremulac3, May 12 2023]

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Voice, Apr 28 2023


       Subject 1: No effect.
doctorremulac3, Apr 28 2023

       Hypno Toad does it better.   

       [Chomps another spoonful of Batchelor Chow]
Skewed, Apr 28 2023


       Subject 2: No effect.   

       Decided to try it myself. When I came out of the trance there was a bun there.
doctorremulac3, Apr 28 2023

       Was it still warm?
pertinax, Apr 29 2023

       I read it as a fairly accurate description of any halfbakery interaction I have ever had. Except the bollox about the bun stuff. That's just wishful thinking.
pocmloc, Apr 29 2023

       (Checks bun count)   


       Another subject reported strong engagement at a subconscious level, but not any more than any other post they've read on the HB. Also was not moved to click the bun button, even suggesting that at a subconscious level on the part of the experimenter, there was outcome linked cognitive dissonance affecting the methodology of the study.
doctorremulac3, Apr 29 2023

       I am now a croissant. Which means I'll act like a croissant, and be happy here. May I have a multitude of butter melting between my pointy arms? Never wake me up, Please.
blissmiss, Apr 29 2023

       I bun that nice idea. (In spirit)   

       And I can't say how happy I am to see a post from you here Blissy!
doctorremulac3, Apr 29 2023

       What a delightful thing to say, you doctor, you.   


       (You may now call me CA though, as in "Cross Ant".)
blissmiss, May 12 2023

       I bow to your new moniker. (link)
doctorremulac3, May 12 2023


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