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Hypnotize U

"Hello, I am professor Mesmer and I 'will' have your 'complete' attention..."
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Some folks just can't be hypnoized.
For those who are open to hypnosis could there be college and university courses taught using suggestion to enhance recall and speed learning?

...and no homework?

This and American Pacific U http://www.hypnosis.com/
[JesusHChrist, Aug 08 2011]

hypnotic movie
Shameless self promotion [xaviergisz, Aug 09 2011]

RSA Animate http://comment.rsablogs.org.uk/videos/
[xaviergisz, Aug 09 2011]


       Interesting idea.   

       Being in a hypnotic state (with more pronounced theta waves?) may help you absorb information more easily [citation needed]. However, learning is not merely about absorbing information, its about changing the way you think.   

       I could see hypnosis might be useful in, for example, increasing vocabulary in foreign languages, but it would have to used in conjunction with standard teaching techniques.
xaviergisz, Aug 08 2011

       Maybe the students could be hypnotized and then be persuaded to enjoy their homework ?   

       Many lecturers demonstrate an uncanny ability to induce a state of stupor in a roomful of students, simply by their standard lecturing technique. If you introduce hypnosis on top of that, some of them may never wake up...
8th of 7, Aug 08 2011

       Some of them were never awake to begin with.   

       Traditional college and university lectures won't be around much longer, unless somebody invents a new gimmick. Maybe this is it.
mouseposture, Aug 09 2011

       That is sad. The closest I've gotten to sitting in on an actual lecture has been a TED talk.   

       A few of those have been rather hypnotic.   

       Watch the watch. Watch the watch...
blissmiss, Aug 09 2011

       2 fries, I can highly recommend "RSA animate" for the rather hypnotic and educational lecture experience.
xaviergisz, Aug 09 2011

       Try a late night OU maths course from the 1980s On a serious note, NLP neuro linguistic programming is a type of suggestion that is supposed to be helpful for adults returning to education.
j paul, Aug 09 2011

       I like that video.   

       It's the things like; in order to learn science coming from any other culture other than latin forces a student to pretty much have to learn another language on top of learning the science itself, and much the same in math.
Words like *trigonometry, acute, and obtuse* are all foreign and when first heard or read, and have no point of refference to hang them from.
Being latin, those same words when first heard would be *three side math, closed, and open* or something similar, and would make perfect sense to the student doing the learning.

       A bit of post hypnotic Latin primer to draw from would go a long way.   

       // Try a late night OU maths course from the 1980s //   

       No longer possible; the videotapes were all verifiably destroyed as part of post-Cold War treaties on unconventional weapons.   

       Even now, the skeletonised remains of former OU students are still occasionally found, still seated in their armchair, facing the TV, cup of coffee in hand, lecture notes open on their lap. Terrible way to die ...
8th of 7, Aug 09 2011

       If all of this education is imparted while the student is under hypnosis, how is it to be recalled after the student is revived from the hypnotic state? As [2Fries] points out, there are people who are not susceptable to hyponosis; I am one of them (not even EMDR works on me), and thus have no first-hand experience, but I am given to understands that one of the hallmarks of hypnosis is the subject having zero recall of any experience undergone while hypnotized.
Alterother, Aug 09 2011

       Huh, I always thought that was up to the hypnotist.   

       [2fries], IMO, the reason for importing words from a foreign, even dead language, into technical vocabulary is precisely the lack of referents: they receive only the precise technical definition they're given, an carry no other baggage. In this view, not knowing Latin is if anything an advantage, akin to the advantage blind mathematicians apparently have over sighted ones in geometry.   

       [Alterother] people trained under hypnosis would have to do their jobs under hypnosis, that's all.
mouseposture, Aug 09 2011

       Sometimes I wonder if some people are already doing their jobs in hypnotic states...
Alterother, Aug 09 2011

       //the reason for importing words from a foreign, even dead language, into technical vocabulary is precisely the lack of referents: they receive only the precise technical definition they're given, an carry no other baggage. In this view, not knowing Latin is if anything an advantage//   

       I'd have to say that I disagree with this on principle.
Not that I think that what you say is untrue, I disagree with the rational.

       By all means introduce propper names for science or math terms once a student shows a grasp of the concept named, but 'after' a concept is grasped, not before.
I can't help but wonder if part of the reason that students in say China excel over those in North America is because these concepts are originally conveyed in their own language. This messed me right up as a kid, (I was in the minority I know) Without something to attach memmories to, I just draw a blank when trying to recall them. The way Everything was taught was... backwards, and confusing on purpose it seemed.

       To me the naming of all of the words appears rooted in vanity. Sure a guy should get recognition for being the first to originate a concept and name a thing, but to have to have all of their last names and their obscure namings shoved down your throat 'while' trying to understand the underlying ideas, (which should be the important part), seems to be, well... stupid.   

       D'yever get the feeling that you should have been consulted?   

       No, I should by no means have been consulted. You wouldn't want an educational system* designed according to my notion of "reasonable."   

       *Or anything else for that matter.
mouseposture, Aug 10 2011

       Seem reasonable to me...   

       Perfectly reasonable, that's just the problem. And it continues to sound perfectly reasonable, even when you've all drawn up in two lines facing the enemy, the sargeant has goven the order to 'Fix Bayonets! ', and you're still wondering in a vague sort of way why [mouseposture] gets such nice clothes and a big horse to sit on, way behind everyone else…
8th of 7, Aug 10 2011

       2 fries: Dr. Richard Feynman had complained about that very tendency since the 1960's, and has a nice anecdote about that very topic in one of his books, where his father used to take him on walks and tell him all about the scientific details of specific birds, without worrying about their names that much. One of his childhood friends, however, was taught the names of birds in several different languages. The friend quizzed Feynman once on his knowledge: 'Do you know what they call this bird in <insert foreign language here>?' When Feynman answered in the negative, the playmate retorted that he didn't know anything about birds.
RayfordSteele, Aug 10 2011

       Interesting. I know that I did and do this same thing with my daughter. From the time she was old enough to ask a question I felt she deserved to have an answer if I knew it. Since her vocabulary isn't equal to mine then I feel as her teacher that I have to rephrase my explanations in terms that she already knows. She seems to have the same dificulty learning to read and spell that I did and struggles in our school system even though though it's obvious to anyone speaking to her that she's sharp as a tack.   

       I like Feynman. I like his video lectures and I especially liked the TED talk by Leonard Susskind pointing out how ready he was to admit his own mistakes or scrap an assumption.   

       He was a great man without a doubt.   

       While some people are very resistant to being hypnotized by someone else, there are reasons to believe this is because they "self-hypnotize". Try it, but be careful what you wish for! Do you really want to wake up refreshed at 6am? Only to crash later in the day.
lewstanley, May 15 2016

       //He was a great man without a doubt.// Shirley one of the things that made Feynman so great was that he _did_ doubt?
MaxwellBuchanan, May 16 2016

       "Science does everything it can to prove itself wrong..religion does everything it can to prove itself right." (Carl Sagan)
8th of 7, May 16 2016


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