Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Human Proportioned Tools

3d printed tools with human proportioned dimensions for aesthetics and functionality
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Tools shaped like the part of the body they exaggerate the functionality of. So a hammer shaped like an elbow to fist, but with exaggerated proportions, so the body of the hammer is just subtly shaped like a fist and arm. Wrench-hand. Screwdriver-hand with key. Shoulder-bow and arm-fist-arrow.
JesusHChrist, Oct 09 2011

The ultimate hammer http://www.mehr-als...us-Steel-Hammer.htm
Sorry [zeno, Oct 11 2011]

Template design for human-shaped things http://gatesof.tvheaven.com/photo4.html
scroll down to the last picture on the page. You could fit any object inside these curves and assign core functionality/points-of-interest to the centers of the swirls. The picture represents the top of a sphere based on the shape of a person [JesusHChrist, Oct 14 2011]

Top of page is a picture of a human designed car http://patricktimon...en.com/custom2.html
[JesusHChrist, Oct 14 2011]


       Would this be for more for aesthetics or more for function? Because, as a regular user of _all_ the tools you mentioned, I can tell you that, from a functionality standpoint, they're shaped the way they are for a reason: it's the shape that works best.   

       Afterthought: just plain no on the arm/fist arrow. I don't know how you envision that working, but it wouldn't work that way. It probably wouldn't work at all. It would probably result in a lot of archery enthusiasts and bowhunters punching themselves in the face.
Alterother, Oct 09 2011

       Baked by the first humans who used the anatomy of other humans they killed to kill other humans in a manner they would have used that same anatomy if it were their own.
rcarty, Oct 09 2011

       And steadily improved-upon since.
Alterother, Oct 09 2011

       I don't get this.   

       A hammer shaped like a forearm and hand would sort of make sense if it somehow "replaced" your own forearm and hand. But it doesn't - it's an extension of your forearm and hand, not a replacement.   

       So, [-] for dumbth.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 09 2011

       "dumbth": the sound of an un-aerodynamic foot-shaped projectile striking an arse-shaped target, not necessarily on the first attempt.
pertinax, Oct 10 2011

       // sort of make sense if it somehow "replaced" your own forearm and hand. But it doesn't //   

       Oh, but it does. We call it "Plug And Play".
8th of 7, Oct 11 2011

       //Baked by the first humans who used the anatomy of other humans they killed to kill other humans in a manner they would have used that same anatomy if it were their own.//   

       //And steadily improved-upon since.//   

       As efficient as the M240B machine gun is, I feel somewhat cheated now, as if I've missed out on a vital phase in development, upon reading [rcarty]'s annotation.
MikeD, Oct 12 2011

       Nobodys stopping you from sifting through the muck of your targets and picking up one of the few intact limbs and using it to beat to death your next source of useful limbs and so forth.
rcarty, Oct 12 2011

       I bunned it to take away the bone. It's a cute, artsy idea, whether or not the tools would work.
A hand ladle would work! Or like drinking water with a cupped hand. (hand-cup)
xandram, Oct 12 2011

       Would computers all be shaped like a big brain?
PeterSilly, Oct 13 2011

       bun for having an anno with the word dumbth.
Voice, Oct 14 2011

       Can-openers shaped like front teeth   

       Water filterers shaped like kidneys   

       Electric Fans and vacuum cleaners shaped like noses   

       Of course, camera lenses shaped like big eyes with eyelids, eyelashes, etc.
phundug, Oct 19 2011


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