My last idea was proven not merely to have holes in it, but was infact a hole - and one that Indiana Jones wouldn't feel odd swinging over!
Here's another idea, and now it's anti-gravity!
My first big mistake will be to admit this does nothing to
gravity itself (whatever it is and whatever
it's wearing), it is
merely the "kick up the matress" technique.
There is some history to it: screeons ago, when I was little,
my brother had the top bunk - and he would SNORE! So I'd
kick up the matress, wake him up and tell him I'd done no
such thing (just as he claimed he hadn't been SNORING!!!).
I figured that if I kicked violently and quickly enough, then
like the way hundreds of "beep" noises played really quickly
meld into a single tone, so would my kicking become a smooth
lifting action that wouldn't stop my brother snoring.
As, however, this is what I wanted to do anytime I needed to
kick up the matress in the first place, the theory remained
Idea: my idea for anti-grav (or hover) technology would
involve some way of fireing thousands of particles from one
surface up to an impact surface above it (maybe made of
Kevlar). The particle impacts would merge into a single lifting
force and lift and the object under which it was placed.
Now, my idea calls for both these surfaces to be connected
so they lift together, and I somehow have some impression
that the "fireing" face would have to be lighter than the
"impact" face and the particles would have to hit hard.
Other than that (and a vague idea I've left the taps on
downstairs) I have no actual idea of the technology involved.
But let's suggest the test model was some kind of medical
streacher holding a patient. When we turn this thing on, does
the streacher levitate? Or have I just killed the poor soul?