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House Sleep Mode

Save energy with your home's sleep mode...
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We are away from our homes for various reasons for hours each day... With simple wireless interfaces to your thermostat, water heater, air-conditioner, and main circuit pannel you can pre-set idle time and sleep mode profiles for your house... Just as your computer is able to spin down the hard drive and shut the montior off when it is idle; so can your house when it senses that nobody is home... Of course there would be a standard preset to minimum and maximum temperatures so the house won't freeze your fish tank in winter or melt your chocolate in summer...
forgeman, Dec 17 2004

Look what's on wired.com http://www.wired.co...tml?tw=wn_tophead_4
[swamilad, Dec 17 2004]

Snoring Computer Snoring_20Computer
Would your house snore too? [DesertFox, Dec 23 2004]


       Combine this with a networking interfact so you could let the home know when you were coming home and it'd be even cooler.
supercat, Dec 17 2004

       would it have a component that looks out of the window waiting for you to come home?
po, Dec 17 2004

       This is exactly what 'Smart House' products do. I believe X10 makes products that do the same, though I refuse to use them because of the popups. Smart-house.com seems to be broken, or I'd link. Anyway done in fiction and non fiction already.
swamilad, Dec 17 2004

       Why use wireless in this configuration, instead of x10 (the protocol)?
Shz, Dec 23 2004

       Would it snore like my computer would?
DesertFox, Dec 23 2004

       X10 is a pretty feeble protocol, really. I'm surprised I've not seen anything comparably priced that's better. I would think that it should not be difficult to use a protocol which used the same signalling method as X10 but more efficient coding and was done in such a way as to prevent X10 devices from misinterpreting its messages as valid codes.   

       X10 sends 120 'raw' bits per second, and sends each real bit of data as two raw bits, for a real data rate of 60 bits per second. Each message takes 11 bit bit times to send (11/60 second) and two messages are required to turn a device on or off.   

       I wonder why nobody else uses a different but cohabitable protocol using the same basic signalling method?
supercat, Dec 23 2004

       There are many products and interface solutions available. Cost some though!. I'll check the Schneider group range as I think that the cost is coming down. Chucking stuff like this on the web is what I do too.
gnomethang, Dec 23 2004

       //What it does have going for it is price (cheap), rock-solid reliability, and the average user can understand it enough to install it and have it working.//   

       Agreed, but given that many X10 devices are microcontroller-based, it should be possible for someone to produce devices that could support either X10 protocol or an improved 'cohabitable' protocol using the same signalling method.
supercat, Dec 27 2004

       I’ve read of extended x10 code / data and bi-directional x10. My networking experience, however, does not include these things. Thanks for the info [sc]. A protocol spec never tells the whole story.
Shz, Dec 28 2004

       It could use XRS FM for all I care... It'd only need to send microscopic amounts of information... Should be wired in, though, so no interference or hacking, or perhaps just some encryption. Just have everything identify itself to a hub which manages it all, when its turned on. With software and drivers for everything, the hub can do all the actual managing, so none of the appliances have to brighter then, say, your average lightbulb, not counting said encryption, of course.
{WhiteFang}, Jun 19 2005


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