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House History

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House History is a site where users can go to record and investigate the history of the house they live in. Find out who planted that lovely tree out the front in the 1950s. Or who pulled down the original chimney. Or the fact that a set of triplets used to play in the backyard. Anecdotes and old photos can be used to record the living memory of your house. Or just chat with someone who lives in the house you used to call home.
simonj, Jul 06 2009

boots http://www.oldhouse...au/docs/ritual.html
[normzone, Jul 09 2009]

more http://search.conce...ionid=2v6ni98lvdl1n
concealed in the attic space of a house in East St.Helen Street, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, in a wall cavity filled with hops [normzone, Jul 10 2009]


blissmiss, Jul 07 2009

       ".... was the home of the notorious paedophile, rapist and serial poisoner, who dismembered his victims in the en-suite bathroom adjoining the master bedroom, decorated the walls of the living room with their cured skin, and used to enjoy a breakfast of grilled human prepared on the patio barbequeue ...... parts of dozens of bodies were removed from under the floorboards throughout the house ...."   

       Or, worse, "Previously owned by a lawyer".
8th of 7, Jul 07 2009

       You can't get details on who planted the tree, but you can find out who previously owned the house from the tax records.
Zimmy, Jul 07 2009

       + this is excellent! My house was built in 1917 and a Reverend lived there in the 40's. I have found information by things left in the attic, people who work at the town offices and knew someone who knew someone, etc. I have accumulated many stories and visions, but would love to know more. (people have sent me old photos, also.)
xandram, Jul 07 2009

       Good one. I happen to know who owned and who lived in my house from 1879 onwards, despite it having been divided into two, and the road name changing. Unfortunately I don't know prior to that because I don't have the original deeds, and Kelly's Directory wasn't published. (I know the house was built sometime around 1860.) Plans for the (very many) alterations will probably be lodged with the relevant local authority (or its successor).

<aside>As it happens, [jutta] recently forwarded e-mail related to a previous mention of my house deeds.</aside>
angel, Jul 07 2009

       On stripping wallpaper of my first house I had the archaeological thrill of going down through a couple of layers of 1980s student woodchip, then 1970s swirly purples and pinks, then on down through several more layers right back to some original (William Morris??) from mid/late 19th century.   

       Would have LOVED to have some documentation to cross-ref.
kindachewy, Jul 07 2009

       Did you l;ook under the William M orris stuff ? The documentation might have been there......
8th of 7, Jul 07 2009

       On our last trip to the UK we visited Castle Howard in Yorkshire, at the entrance the attendant dutifully informed us the directions to the William Morris exhibition. We stood there dumbstruck for a moment before he said "You don't know who William Morris is, do you?" Needless to say, we do now!
simonj, Jul 07 2009

       All I know about my house is that some old blind dude died in it in 2006, and that the previous owner was a gay man with two cats and who now lives with his mother.   

       This site would allow for an infinitely more interesting history.
shapu, Jul 08 2009

       Anyone think I should build the site?
simonj, Jul 09 2009

       The danger is that people will search this site before buying a house and so you will not put anything on it which might affect the value of your house - e.g. "2009: I converted the roof space into an extra bedroom all by myself! Without planning permission! I did all the electrics and plumbing using a book I got out of the library."

Also, how will you authenticate people - so that you can only add details to a house you actually own?
hippo, Jul 09 2009

       Good points.   

       I like the idea.
Like [xandram] my wife and I have found out our houses basic history from neighbours and people who used to live here. Turns out that two former mayors of Kelowna owned it and when I gutted the carport we found an old cardboard tube with a musical degree from Juilliard in Toronto wrapped around a conductors wand. We found the woman on line and she couldn't believe she was getting back something lost over twenty years ago.
Made us right warm and fuzzy it did.

       Authentication of facts will be a problem though.   

       I always try to leave a little history in places where it will eventuallly be found. Utility bills, newspaper, boots (link), etc.
normzone, Jul 09 2009

       // dried cat emporium //   

       It's a d(r)ying craft. Should you need it, BorgCo offers a reasonably-priced while-U-wait Feline Dessication service - we even offer home visits - or you can rent the equipment by the hour or the day and do the job yourself.   

       Alternatively you may wish to purchase our handy guide, "Dry out cats for fun and profit" which, if you order online, comes with six month's free subscriotion to Dreid Cat Monthly. This month the'res a review of vacuum pumps, a special article on "The crumbling problem - to varnish or not to varnish ?" and a pull-out-and-keep wallchart of temperature and vapour pressure curves. Our favourite section is still Reader's Cats, though.
8th of 7, Jul 09 2009

       ...and you know those tiny packets of silica gel that new synths come with? If you collect enough of them, you can dry your cat.
hippo, Jul 10 2009

       Yes, but it takes ages .... the stainless-steel-vacuum- chamber-and-two-stage- rotary-pump is so much faster.
8th of 7, Jul 10 2009

       A related, pragmatic, do-it-yourself version of this turns up near the end of a book by Stewart Brand, "How Buildings Learn: What Happens After They're Built."   

       He suggests photographing all phases of home construction and renovation in detail, inside every wall and panel, then keeping the photos around in a book.   

       Later, if you (or a potential home buyer, repair contractor, etc.) want to know where a pipe is, or how a wire runs, or whether a space is insulated, you can refer to the book.
gribbler, Jul 11 2009

       Hide the book in a wall cavity maybe?
simonj, Jul 11 2009


       And make another book showing how to find the one in the wall cavity ?   

8th of 7, Jul 11 2009

       [+] It's a shame that my local munincipality does not keep building plans for longer than 2 to 3 years. I lived in a neighborhood that was built in the 60's and I was interested in seeing copies of the blueprints, diagrams, building permits, etc. But one thing that I was able to do is go to my public library where they have over 100 years of the local newspapers on microfilm and I searched through articles and advertisements circa 1959 and was pleased to discover the "New Homes" ad for my neighborhood.
Jscotty, Jul 11 2009

       will be baking this..stay tuned
simonj, May 07 2010

       //You don't know who William Morris is, do you?" //
He was the old bloke who did the funny voices on Animal Magic.
(Or was he the one with the comb-over on Zoo Time?)
coprocephalous, May 07 2010

       //directions to the William Morris exhibition// I love transport museums!
pocmloc, May 07 2010

       This would be brilliant! I want to find out how he got that limp.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 07 2010

       /how he got that limp/ Maybe he is just relaxed? He could probably firm up if the occasion called for it.
bungston, May 07 2010


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