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Harvest honey by catapult

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Find a wild beehive, perhaps because of a couple of kookaburras pecking at it. Attach it to a trebuchet, aim it at a clearing, wind it up and PING. Angry beehive lands miles away, smashes to bits, bees swarm off, not your problem. Wait a while, go to remains of beehive, collect honey, wax and propolis.
nineteenthly, Oct 22 2010

here's a much kinder method http://www.wikihow....from-the-Wilderness
[xandram, Oct 22 2010]

All About Kookaburras http://en.wikipedia...i/Kookaburra_(song)
Citation. Marion Sinclair (1895–1988) [Boomershine, Oct 22 2010]

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       What about the ants?
swimswim, Oct 22 2010

       I guess they'd get a free ride, unless they've already bought a ticket.
infidel, Oct 22 2010

       //What about the ants?//   

       Ants? What about the BEES?!? How would you deal with the bees whilst loading the trebuchet?
Boomershine, Oct 22 2010

       Meanwhile, over on the halfantery, the ants are busy discussing the latest ant-idea to be posted by a user named [ant]. The idea is to find [nineteenthly]’s house, attach it to a massive trebuchet, wind it up, and fling the house and contents towards the nearest woods. The house and contents would fly through the air, smash to bits, [nineteenthly] stretchered off, not the ants’ problem. Wait a while, and then the ants and all their all their anty friends could get over there and ransack the jam jars in the remains of the kitchen cupboards.
pocmloc, Oct 22 2010

       That would mean we're all examples of "baks".
nineteenthly, Oct 22 2010

       [pocmloc] I'm betting some bees might want in on this plan, as well.
Boomershine, Oct 22 2010

       I think it's time the halfbakery started getting more professional about reviewing ideas. I have therefore sent this out for peer-review by three leading authorities, and have just received their replies.   

       <Reviewer One> The author outlines a proposed system for a novel form of apiculture, based on the use of kinetic energy to disrupt hives and thereby assist recovery of the honey.   

       The paper is certainly novel, but is written in a somewhat unconventional format. In particular, no Materials and Methods were presented, and no references were cited. Nevertheless, given the novelty and potential utility of the proposed method, I recommend that it be reconsidered after the format issues have been addressed.   

       <Reviewer Two> The author proposes a novel system for identifying kookaburras using wild peas. Given that he has failed to identify any advantage in being able to identify kookaburras in this way, and given that wild peas have already been the subject of extensive study by Mendel et al, I fail to see the advantage or originality of this work and recommend rejection.   

       <Reviewer Three> The author is working on the fascinating and essential topic of honey collection from wild bees. The paper is well written, but appears to consist entirely of a single "Materials and Methods" section. Moreover, a number of key references by seminal workers in this field should have been cited, in the interest of balance. I would recommend that he cites, where appropriate, Stengler and Wollf (1972), Wollf and Stengler (1978), Stengler et al (1981), Stengler, Bardle and Smith (1984), Smith and Stengler (1987), and perhaps also Stengler at al (1993). With these revisions, I would recommend publication.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 22 2010

       Er, thanks. I could try to cite the reference to kookaburras but i don't know how to apply Harvard style references to Facebook.
nineteenthly, Oct 22 2010

       //try to cite the reference to kookaburras //   

       [link] All you need to know.
Boomershine, Oct 22 2010


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