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Hanging bib

An end to the frustration of trying to put shirts on hangers with one hand
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This would be a bib with a hook on the front. You'd hang your clothes hanger on it, arrange shirt nicely (with both hands!), then take off and hang in the cupboard.
tobythepig, Jan 11 2002


       Sure would be better than holding the top of the hanger in your teeth!
mwburden, Jan 11 2002

       Sounds reasonable, and you may even find a few customers for this gadget. But I personally will continue to sort the laundry on the bed and insert hangers in the clothing as it lies on the bed. I can accomplish any folding/arranging just fine without actually picking up the garment.
BigBrother, Jan 11 2002

       Loop a shoelace or rope loosely around your neck (like a necklace) and hang the hanger from that if you want.   

       Or grow a third arm thru genetic engineering, as it seems so popular around here.   

       Whatever's easiest for you.
seal, Jan 11 2002

       Yes, but if you have a naked girl stand in front of you so that you can put a hanger on the third arm then it's going to be distracting and you'll NEVER get that shirt hung!
mwburden, Jan 11 2002

       I'm not understanding the problem this apparently solves. What's difficult about putting a shirt on a hanger?
waugsqueke, Jan 11 2002

       [blissmiss] If the hypothetical naked girl was in front of me, I don't believe that getting the shirt hung would be on top of my list of things to request, especially if she met the criteria to make my "third arm" useable...   

       [waugsqueke] Getting it to hang properly while holding onto the hanger with one hand and attempting to straighten the shirt with the other hand.
mwburden, Jan 11 2002

       Problems hm? Well you're obviously doing it wrong.   

       Move the hanger, not the shirt. Hold the shirt by the collar, poke the hanger into one arm, a little wrist finesse here will 'open' the shirt, allowing quick access the other arm with a subtle upward movement. Place the shirt on the rod, then button the collar. Cello!   

       [added in response to below]
Yes it does, if you're accurate slipping the hanger into the arms. You just give it a little shakedown to level things out. I dunno, I've never had trouble with this.

       (Yer right. I went for the cheap. T'is gone.)
waugsqueke, Jan 11 2002

       That gets the shirt on the hanger, but still doesn't get the tops of the shoulders precisely centered on the hanger.   

       For the record, I usually hang the hanger on a doorknob and then I have both hands free to make the shirt rest perfectly on the hanger.   

       (And I tried SO HARD to avoid that joke...)
mwburden, Jan 11 2002

       For hanging shirts for you, or for enabling use of the "third arm"?
mwburden, Jan 11 2002

       I have often thought that some men are a useless waste of space and now I am convinced. I bet UnaBubba can hang a shirt on a hanger with his hands tied behind his back, in the dark, under water while fighting off a crocodile.
po, Jan 11 2002

       I didn't say I couldn't hang the shirt one handed -- just that I want it to be tidy!   

       The day that being unable to hang a shirt makes one a waste of space is the day I quit the human race.   

       "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a well, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
-- Robert Heinlein
mwburden, Jan 11 2002

       which one can you do then mwb?
po, Jan 11 2002

       To Do List:   

       € change a diaper
_ plan an invasion
_ butcher a hog
_ conn a ship
_ design a building
€ write a sonnet
€ balance accounts
_ build a well
_ set a bone
€ comfort the dying
€ take orders
€ give orders
€ cooperate
€ act alone
€ solve equations
€ analyze a new problem
_ pitch manure
€ program a computer
€ cook a tasty meal
€ fight efficiently
_ die gallantly
waugsqueke, Jan 11 2002

       € specialise in insects
po, Jan 11 2002

       (TIA to [waugsqueke] for letting me "borrow" his list and bullets...)   

       € change a diaper
_ plan an invasion
€ butcher a hog (I'm saying that a deer counts. It fits the spirit if not the letter)
€ conn a ship (Plane = airship -- again the spirit if not the letter)
€ design a building (House)
€ write a sonnet
€ balance accounts
_ build a well
€ set a bone
€ comfort the dying
€ take orders
€ give orders
€ cooperate
€ act alone
€ solve equations
€ analyze a new problem
€ pitch manure
€ program a computer
€ cook a tasty meal
€ fight efficiently
_ die gallantly (TBD)

       And last but not least:
€ Hang a shirt on a hanger
mwburden, Jan 11 2002

       bliss - yes, that too.
waugsqueke, Jan 11 2002

       oye, mwb stop lazing round the house and get out there in that yard and dig that well. men!
po, Jan 11 2002

       I thought this was going to be for thoughtful suicides - mustn't muss that shirt.
thumbwax, Jan 11 2002

       OK, [po], how about your list (or was that one item it?) I seem to recall that the quote said that the list was for a "human being", not just men!   

       Myself, I'm working on that invasion thing next...
mwburden, Jan 11 2002

       its only MEN that feel the need to prove themselves. we girls know we are wonderful. conversation closed.
po, Jan 11 2002

       I didn't feel the need to prove myself until YOU asked! I guess turnabout isn't fair play in this game?
mwburden, Jan 11 2002

       game, set and match to mwb. gives in graciously.   

       did you ever read "turnabout" - Thorne Smith, must look that one up again
po, Jan 11 2002

       What was the idea about again?
thumbwax, Jan 12 2002

       Something about hanging Bob.
mwburden, Jan 12 2002

       € eat a pretzel
1percent, Jan 17 2002

       € live to tell about it
thumbwax, Jan 17 2002

       Didn't a load of schoolgirls have a picnic here once?
angel, Jan 17 2002

       Did they? Cool!
tobythepig, Jan 18 2002

       interesting... tell me more about this thing you call "iron".....
sophocles, Feb 03 2005


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