Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Halfbaking for a living

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This is either your chance to talk me out of naively trying it or your opportunity to share some advice.
gomer, Sep 16 2008

Baking for a Living Baking_20for_20a_20living
[MisterQED, Sep 16 2008]

Ideas marketplace Ideas_20marketplace
[xaviergisz, Sep 16 2008]

for 10 million dollars http://www.project1...e100.com/index.html
[Voice, Sep 24 2008]


       Ideas are worth the electrons they're encoded in. Companies which have sucessfully developed ideas can be very valuable. Half-baking: As profitable as mooning the general public and almost as much fun. Baking: Profitable but risky.
Voice, Sep 16 2008

       halfbakery: the original dragon's den.
po, Sep 16 2008

       I have some advice to share. Do you mind if I only give you half?
4whom, Sep 16 2008

       Which idea? If it was something practical then I'd have taken the cash, personally.   

       ... Or did you mean they wanted you to loan THEM the cash? =[
gomer, Sep 16 2008

       //Ideas are worth the electrond they're encoded in.// - in which they are encoded!!   

       You might be better employed as copy editor.
zen_tom, Sep 16 2008

       I like this idea, except that then I'd be wasting my own time, and not my employer's.
coprocephalous, Sep 16 2008

       Somebody emailled me about developing that spring bike.   

       When I said that I had posted the idea as a joke, he seemed to be upset.   

       Then there was the firm who wanted to put a camera inside a cricket ball.   

       "For a living" won't cut it, at least for me, I'd die of hunger.   

       Long before that, the stuff to do what UB does on the aspirations would have run out.
neelandan, Sep 16 2008

       Zen Tom, you have found a typo and a minor grammatical error in my post. I bow to your superior intellect. Please forgive me for my lexiconical sins and bless my future grammatical endeavors.
Voice, Sep 16 2008

       sp. "grammatical"
hippo, Sep 16 2008

       sp. "electrons"
coprocephalous, Sep 16 2008

po, Sep 16 2008

       sp. "zen_tom"
DrBob, Sep 16 2008

       sp & gr: "[zen_tom] you have found a typo (sic)*,* and grammatical error*,* in my post."
4whom, Sep 16 2008

       [Ian] - you mean "sp.", I think, with a full stop to denote that it's an abbreviation.

I'm going to restrain myself from pointing out the misspelling of "successfully".
hippo, Sep 16 2008

       Bun. For dreaming the dream.
monojohnny, Sep 16 2008

       No shame [Voice] - I was just questioning what it is that one *does* as a halfbaker.   

       Copy Editors make reasonable cash - and you'd be essentially performing the same set of operations as are performed as a 'baker' i.e. correcting other people's grammar and spellings.   

       That *is* why we're here isn't it?
zen_tom, Sep 16 2008

       Let me know when you are hiring.   

       ...just looked at your profile page and it doesn't seem enough to take you to retirement...
xandram, Sep 16 2008

       There are people who halfbake for a living, they are called writers. Some of my favorite books are halfbaked: "Snow Crash" and HHGTTG come to mind. Baking for a living is a different matter and my separate anno (Link). Baking means making a product and selling it. What is it that you want to do?
MisterQED, Sep 16 2008

       If Sir Arthur C. Clarke had patented his madness about geosynchronous communication satellites, his descendants would be stupendously rich, rather than merely wealthy. Instead, he deliberately did not, so that the simple genius of the idea would benefit all mankind.   

       Now that's halfbaking.   

       I look forward to boarding the first autophagic heavy-pykrete generation ship to Proxima Centauri
BunsenHoneydew, Sep 18 2008

       Halfbaking, by definition, produces products that do not fit (or at most *half* fit) our current capitalist model. Unless you are of the: "I lead by example, of what not to do!" type, for which there may well be a market. Just as long as you realise what you are selling.
4whom, Sep 18 2008

       // the: "I lead by example, of what not to do!" type //
Clive Sinclair.
nineteenthly, Sep 18 2008

       Arthur C. Clarke was not being altruistic when he failed to patent the geostationary satellite. He actually approached a lawyer about patenting it, but the lawyer persuaded him not to pursue a patent.   

       And even if Clarke had applied for a patent it probably would have been invalid because it wouldn't have sufficient detail to constitute an 'enabling disclosure' (there's a wide gap between the idea of a geosync orbit and the practical instructions of exactly how to do it).   

       Also, a patent for a geosync orbit would be unenforceable: a patent can only be infringed within the jurisdiction, and 22,000 miles above the equator is not in any jurisdiction.   

       And even if he had obtained a valid and enforceable patent, he still would have made received little, if any, royalties. He invented/discovered the geosync satellite in 1945 while the first geosync satellite was launched in 1963, 18 years later. The term of a US patent was, at the time, 17 years from the patent issuing.   

       In summary: he was a good story teller.
xaviergisz, Sep 18 2008

       [marked-for-expiry] Can someone repost the social networks references for halfbakers? Thanks!
jutta, Sep 18 2008


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