Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Halfbakery 2018 Christmas Carol

Lest We Forget …
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Don't fret now, loyal halfbakers, remember your dismay ?
When once it seemed, for months and months, the site had gone away ?
But thanks to Jutta's magic touch, the server's now OK !
Glad tidings of custard and joy, custard and joy,
Glad tidings of custard and joy.

O great the woe, O thick the gloom, no croissants to be seen,
Where once were pages of ideas, 'twas just an empty screen,
And life without the bakery seemed empty, grim and mean,
Glad tidings of custard and joy, custard and joy,
Glad tidings of custard and joy.

No more to read of Panic PINs, nor talk of jam and bees,
No more the hope of understanding elephantine knees,
No trebuchets to hurl mime artists high into the trees,
Glad tidings of custard and joy, custard and joy,
Glad tidings of custard and joy.

Behold ! The thoughts come thick and fast, the fishbones and the buns,
The insults and the pedantry, the jokes and dreadful puns,
And closely reasoned arguments on politics and guns,
Glad tidings of custard and joy, custard and joy,
Glad tidings of custard and joy.

But all is right, and all is well, the massed halfbakers sing,
In praise of She who took the time to do that wondrous thing,
To resurrect the 'bakery, and let our thoughts take wing,
Glad tidings of custard and joy, custard and joy,
Glad tidings of custard and joy !

A moment's silence please, to remember the Great Outage of 2018.

Thankyou, Jutta, from everyone.

8th of 7, Dec 07 2018


       Category ... ? Halfbakery:Seasonal, or Halfbakery:Song ? It fts in either.
8th of 7, Dec 07 2018

       Good grief, [8th]. I can find no fault with this. Please take it away.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 07 2018


       Well ... maybe if you get Sturton to give us our Okapi-stretcher back, INCLUDING the bassoon capstan.
8th of 7, Dec 07 2018

       Alas, he lost it in a wager he made on your behalf. If the goat had landed two inches to the left, you'd have been rich. He knew you'd understand.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 07 2018

hippo, Dec 07 2018

       What everyone said. [+]
pertinax, Dec 08 2018

       Ditto, plus a standing ovation.
blissmiss, Dec 08 2018

       Technically, of course, it should probably read "In praise of *Her* who took the time [...]" ...   


       ... and [8th]'s Mark IV pedant trap claims another victim.
pertinax, Dec 09 2018

       <Peers into trap/>   

       <Starts to load captive-bolt humane killer/>   

       Actually, in the original version it actually was "Her". But it's a set of lyrics, which don't necessarily follow the strict rules of grammar, and "She" seemed to fit better.   

       <Puts humane killer aside and traverses 8.8cm FlAK 39 onto target/>
8th of 7, Dec 09 2018

       Due respect to your FlAK 88. In early versions of Call of Duty, it was the only heavy weapon where, in a surface-to-surface role, you didn't have to allow for the shot falling away at long range; you just pointed the thing straight at the target, and it was all over. I imagine that's a function of muzzle velocity.   

       But my children tell me my superpower is always having a biro in my pocket, and with that I hastily write myself out.   

       A lopsided stick figure can briefly be seen zigzagging to the horizon, with grotesque, obviously-sped-up-film movements.
pertinax, Dec 09 2018

       <Frantic winding on traverse and elevation wheels/>   

       Bah. You can run, but you can't hide ... oh.   

       It seems you can hide as well.   

       <Wonders which of the three small bushes [pertinax] is hiding behind in order Not To Be Seen/>
8th of 7, Dec 09 2018

       Would you say "Her took the time"? No, you'd say "She took the time". I think a lot of people in the same position wouldn't have.
notexactly, Dec 09 2018

       Ah, but you see the nominative case is carried by the relative pronoun, "who", because she is the subject of the relative clause. Of the main clause, however, she is a very indirect object.   

       //a lot of people in the same position// will make an excellent decoy target for [8th]'s FlAK 88. I shall observe with interest from a neighbouring county.
pertinax, Dec 09 2018

       // Of the main clause, however, she is a very indirect object //   

       Get out of town ... you, and the gerund you rode in on ...   

       BOOMskreeeeeeeeeeeeTHUD ....   

       You still there, [pert] ?
8th of 7, Dec 09 2018

       I'm feeling a little tense.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 09 2018

       In that case, you should decline to participate further.   

       Hmm .. let's try the left-hand bush ...   

       BOOMskreeeeeeeeeeeeTHUD ....   

       You still there, [pert] ?
8th of 7, Dec 09 2018

       Try your other left.
pertinax, Dec 10 2018

       <Browses rack of ready-use ammunition/>   

       <Selects fragmentation round, sets time delay/>   

       THOOoooop ... CLUNK.   

       <Adjusts traverse/>   

       BOOMskreeeeeeeeeeeeWHACK ...   

       You still there, [pert] ?
8th of 7, Dec 10 2018

       Long gone.
pertinax, Dec 10 2018

       Hmmmm ...   

       Well, if there's one thing the Borg a good at, it's being relentless in pursuit of an objective.   

       <Prepares to re-mount FlAK 88 onto wheelsets prior to commencing the hunt for [pert]/>
8th of 7, Dec 10 2018

       Pity those three bushes were the last survivors of your forgotten scheme to cross catnip with venus flytraps.
pertinax, Dec 10 2018

       +++ the best!!!
xandram, Dec 10 2018

       // scheme to cross catnip with venus flytraps //   

       Arrrrgh !   

       Well, [MB] should still have the list of original gene edits somewhere ... ho hum, back to the potting shed.
8th of 7, Dec 10 2018

       //re-mount FlAK 88 onto wheelsets//
See, there's your problem. You sacrificed portability for destructive capacity.
<Shakes head in dismay> Borg. Always gotta go big...
neutrinos_shadow, Dec 13 2018

Voice, Dec 13 2018

       // You sacrificed portability for destructive capacity //   

       ... and style. Even our target acknowledges that.   

       Where's he gone, by the way ?
8th of 7, Dec 13 2018

       Croissant de Noël pour vous [Jutta], et toute la gang!
Sgt Teacup, Dec 13 2018

       <Seasonal churn/>
8th of 7, Dec 14 2019


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