Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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HalfBakery Closed Cycle Generator

In an enclosed space, in a nearby galaxy…
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(+8, -2)
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Power can be drawn off this generator at multiple points. It is, however, a net user of energy and is of novelty value only.

<<cycle initiates>> [dentworth] tosses a Living Hat into the air, which prompts [Guncrazy] to blast away at it with his SKS assault rifle. Overshooting bullets pierce one of the propulsive balloons on the Hullaballoon, causing pilot [bristolz] to jettison some ballast chillies. Raining jalapenos spotted by [Pericles] who runs forward to gather them, along a large rubber tube filled with custard…….

[Pericles]’ peristaltic pumping causes the yellow goo to flow along a hose, driving a small turbine which powers up a gang of Flocking Road Cones armed with Tazers. The cones push [stf3] along a see-saw, until it tips, pulling up a dividing wall which had been separating two cubicles containing [hazel] and [jonthegeologist]…..

Piezoelectric cells in their bedbase convert mechanical bonking energy into a current which powers up a small [thumbwax] TV Bible, tuned to Fox News, in a neighbouring cubicle occupied by [scout] and [bobad]…..

The right wing backslapping gets the boys excited and they leap up in a “Seig Heil” salute, breaking a photoelectric beam which unlocks [verdashi]’s keyboard…..

800 keystrkes into his idea, [verdashi] hits the period key for the first time, at which point [idischler], [worldengineer], [DrCurry] and [waugsqueke] let out a huge sigh of relief…

The wind from this trips a flap holding a Zorb ball containing [farmerjohn] and [jutta] which rolls downhill into [UnaBubba]’s Bakerworld….

[UnaBubba], pissed at the intrusion, fires his Condom Gun at the interlopers, which deflects the Zorb into a Bed of Nail Guns that trigger off, forming a shower of tinkling steel…..

An Acoustic Generator converts the sound of the falling nails into a small current which lights up a [2 fries shy of a happy meal] Pumpkameleon, waking up a nearby herd of Red Squirrels which get mad and drop their radishes into a bag held by [neilp] standing on a DeliWeigh….

The DeliWeigh rotating dial powers up [hippo]’s Cellphone Radio Telescope which, in reverse (transmission) mode, signals [DesertFox] in his Oblique Space Colony Near The Sun to tilt the giant structure slightly…..

blocking out just enough light from the Wallpaper Solar Panels powering the restraining bolts on [AfroAssault]’s cage to cause them to release…..

allowing him to ignite his stash of C4 in a giant cylinder which drives out a piston connected to a rubber Mickey Mouse hand which pokes [dentworth] causing her to toss a Living Hat in the air….

ConsulFlaminicus, Nov 26 2004

Cog - the two-minute Honda Accord ad
As quicktime. [jutta, Nov 26 2004]

The making of "Cog". http://www.opinion....3/04/13/ixhome.html
No CG, no cuts. 606 maddening takes. [jutta, Nov 26 2004]

The way things go (1987) http://www.frif.com...7/t-z/the_way_.html
Art film. Ancestor of "Cog". Lots and lots of cuts, long, still fun to watch. [jutta, Nov 26 2004]


       I think C4 will ignite but wouldn't it work better if it were detonated?
bristolz, Nov 26 2004

       Quite [bristolz], but we don't want to poke [dentworth] toooo hard....it's a very finely tuned engine.
ConsulFlaminicus, Nov 26 2004

       Ah so. Ever seen that British Honda commercial?
bristolz, Nov 26 2004

       Yeah, love it, but I can't get the real story on whether it was a single run through, or a series of actions filmed on a smaller stage and spliced, or a combination of real motion and CG?
ConsulFlaminicus, Nov 26 2004

       made in two sections if memory serves me right
po, Nov 26 2004

       aww po you've spoiled it for me now. but its you so thats ok.
etherman, Nov 26 2004

       [looks at hat] You've blasted a hole the size of the Holland tunnel, how am I supposed to throw this up twice?
dentworth, Nov 26 2004

       I'm counting on [Guncrazy]'s marksmanship not being all that flash. Otherwise, the generator will require a supply of Living Hats, as well as nails, condoms, C4 and custard. It may get too complicated to run...
ConsulFlaminicus, Nov 26 2004

       //[scout]…right wing backslapping//

Hmm, interesting! What you take to be right wing ranting, I take to be irony and sarcasm. Who is right, I wonder?

+ for entertainment value. - for cheap shot. Overall fishcake ;0)
DrBob, Nov 26 2004

       I'll get on with the production right away!   

       agree [DrBob], don't think [scout] will approve his reference.
dentworth, Nov 26 2004

       I never liked custard, but Jalapeños I love. [+]
Pericles, Nov 28 2004

       Hmmm, jalapeno custard.   

       ...and if [johnthegeologist] uses some weird horizontal drill technique...
ConsulFlaminicus, Nov 29 2004


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