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HB Word Search 2

Second try at this
  (+6, -1)
(+6, -1)
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Let's see if [Voice] and others like this one better.

Download The Grid and optionally print it out. Then look at The Clue link for titles of the best ideas in the history of the 'bakery. Find each baker's name in the grid.

Spaces and special characters have been stripped from baker's names. Numbers converted to Roman numbers. Some bakers appear more than once because they're just that good.

I've included a dIrect link to the puzzle on WordSearchLabs.com for those who want to use that instead of printing it out. Probably easier with a large display though - to have HB open in one window while you work the puzzle in another.

a1, Nov 28 2023

The Grid https://www.instagram.com/p/C0MqporOgyE/
[a1, Nov 28 2023]

The Clues https://www.halfbak...Over_20Fifty_20Club
[a1, Nov 28 2023]

WordSearchOnline.com https://wordsearchlabs.com/embed/458994
[a1, Nov 29 2023]

https://www.halfbak...:t=More_20than_2050 [hippo, Nov 30 2023]


       Ha, I just learnt something about WordSearchLabs. It *does* allow some special characters - the underscore at least. Bit of a giveaway on one of the answers, I guess, but no way to fix it now.   

       Maybe my next one will include some numbers too, I'll have to see if that works.
a1, Nov 28 2023

       Cool idea. I see MaxwellBuchanan is listed twice. Which is allowed, I guess.
AusCan531, Nov 29 2023


       // listed twice ... allowed //   

       Three, actually. WordSearchLabs allows the same word to appear more than once. I made this one to honor bakers with ideas that had more than 50 buns - and [MB] had more than one. [hippo] has the most.   

       I also found out after I created it that WSL does allow numbers and symbols. But as it won't use them for filler characters, they're too obvious if used in answers.
a1, Nov 29 2023

       //[hippo] has the most// - I did not know that!
hippo, Nov 30 2023

       Save that one for Gloat Tuesday!
xenzag, Nov 30 2023

       Good point [xenzag]
hippo, Nov 30 2023

       Yes, [hippo], you're in there 8 times. MickeyTheFish was a distant second with 4, MB had 3...   

       All of the ideas with >50 buns were pretty old - last one was from 2011. Is that because as a whole we've become less creative, or just a sign of declining participation (and fewer people voting) on HB?
a1, Nov 30 2023

       Someone flagged the link to WordSearchLabs.com - I just checked and it works for me so I've unflagged it for now. If you'll tell me what error you got I'll see if I can fix it.   

       I put that link up for anyone who didn't want to visit Instagram to get a printout of the puzzle. Unless you have a big screen it's hard to do online.
a1, Nov 30 2023

       I think I have 2 of those 50+s but my Tuesday Gloat claim is to have a few more ideas than everyone else.
xenzag, Nov 30 2023

       It looks even better if you count "50 or more" rather than "51 or more" :-) (see link). I'm not surprised the last one is 2011. Voting seems to have become less important over the last few years and provokes much less discussion. A lot of votes on a lot of ideas were wiped out in The Great Halfbakery Disk Crash of October '04, which I think was the beginning of a declining enthusiasm for votes
hippo, Nov 30 2023

       I originally intended it to be 50 and up. But I wanted to limit the puzzle to less than 100 entries.
a1, Nov 30 2023

       Thank you!
Voice, Dec 01 2023

       // ...votes on a lot of ideas were wiped out in The Great Halfbakery Disk Crash of October '04, which I think was the beginning of a declining enthusiasm for votes //   

       [hippo], I must respectfully disagree. Yes, voting records got clobbered. But if that was the beginning of "declining enthusiasm for votes" it's been an awfully slow decline. About half of the ideas in The Clues were created (and subsequently voted on) after the crash.
a1, Dec 02 2023

       From [2 Fries] posted elsewhere...   

       // ... you'd be amazed at how many of my contributions had more than fifty votes before the crash of '04 when all votes were lost. //   

       Per archive.org's last page crawl of your profile before TGHDC'04, you did have one (orbital guppies). I apologize to you for omitting you from the honors list, and to anyone else I may have missed for this or any other reason.
a1, Dec 02 2023


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