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Gloat Tuesday

a day of guilt free gloating
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We already have Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Ash Wednesday and now I’m adding Gloat Tuesday.

Gloat Tuesday is simply a day where everyone has a license to gloat freely. Forget about concealing your successes and excesses via the irritating confines of humble bragging and just gloat.

Gloating can be about anything:
New dental implant? - gloat!
Off for a long weekend at Claridges? - gloat!
First 10k followers on Instagram - gloat!
Made a modest donation to a charity? - tell everyone and of course - gloat!

On Gloat Tuesday you can gloat away with impunity as you try to out-gloat everyone else.
Nothing to gloat about? - just gloat about that.

xenzag, Nov 28 2023


       Have you instituted any penalties for gloating on the other days of the week?
minoradjustments, Nov 28 2023

       No, but those could become something else to gloat about.
xenzag, Nov 28 2023

       This is brilliant. Have a bun to gloat over.
doctorremulac3, Nov 28 2023

       Hmm. "Nothing to gloat about? - just gloat about that". This particular gloat proposal sounds as though it may be more appropriate for Self-pitying Thursday.
bhumphrys, Nov 28 2023

       Gloat Tuesday is king of the week day.
xenzag, Nov 28 2023

       When I was at school (many years ago), we nicknamed a boy in our class as The Gloat. Even the teachers started calling him gloat. He's probably dead now..... having given up the gloat hahaha.
xenzag, Nov 28 2023

       Can we gloat about how little we gloat?   

       That could be described as humble bragging which is definitely something to gloat about.
xenzag, Nov 29 2023

       I hear you, and you should pray more.
Voice, Nov 30 2023

       I will gladly gloat tuesday, for a hamburger today.   

       Gules today, ta.
Lout dates gay.
Oy, glutes; tada!
Ada, gutsy Leto
Total usage dy (one for the calculus crowd).
pertinax, Nov 30 2023

       It has the very sophisticated rhyme scheme ABACD.
pertinax, Nov 30 2023

       That is left as an exercise for the reader; I'm busy gloating.
pertinax, Nov 30 2023

       Arrogantia, vitium pessimum, Corde vano, humilitate vacuum. Superbia tua, quam tenebrosa et alta, Nubem caliginosam, solem celata.   

       Tu, qui te supra cunctos extollis, Insolentia tua, te ipsum fallis. Numquamne vidisti superbos cadere, Ut stellae caelo lapsae despiciuntur?   

       Ne te immeritas laudes et vana gloriae, Humilitas vera est, virtus notoriae. Si mentem in humilitate fixeris, Superbiae nexu, te liberabis.   

       Ardeat superbia flamma in corde tuo, Sed si extingueris, lux veritatis in tuo. Arrogantia, cur non te convertis ad humilitatem? Tunc pax invenietur, vera laus erit tibi datum.   

       t. chatbot
Voice, Dec 01 2023

       consilium istud iustum est sed vix ad hanc ideam idoneum
pertinax, Dec 01 2023

       Also, I think "celata" (at the end of the first line) is wrong.
pertinax, Dec 01 2023

       If this keeps up I’m going to be forced to introduce Tongue Lashing Thursday.
xenzag, Dec 01 2023

       Lesbians already have Monday
Voice, Dec 02 2023

       I gloat freely & without guilt at all times. Coz I'm the best, see!
DrBob, Dec 03 2023

       “Non illigitimus carborundum.”
minoradjustments, Dec 04 2023

       {uncontrollable pedant twitching}
pertinax, Dec 04 2023


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