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Gentle Needle

Fractal hypodermic needle design
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See linked picture for basic design. This is an adaptively designed needle that has progressively harder and smaller fractal branches so that the outer softer layers of the tube gently push skin out of the way. This could be designed down to the molecular level so that you could, if you were gentle enough just sneak stuff under the skin without breaking its integrity.
JesusHChrist, Nov 25 2011

Cross-section of a gentle needle http://netfreedombl...1/11/blog-post.html
the actual needle would be a tube designed on this cross section [JesusHChrist, Nov 25 2011]

Sharp and almost painless http://www.usneedle.com/needle1.jpg
[Klaatu, Nov 27 2011]


       I think it is inside out.
rcarty, Nov 25 2011

       This is brilliant! Who WOULDN'T want to share this needle? [+]
Grogster, Nov 25 2011

       // This could be designed down to the molecular level so that you could, if you were gentle enough just sneak stuff under the skin without breaking its integrity. //   

       Something like DMSO, perhaps?
Alterother, Nov 25 2011

WcW, Nov 26 2011

       big ass blunt needle? are you planning to sample my bruise or is this going to take a really really long time.
WcW, Nov 26 2011

       Multi-facet hypodermic needles go into the skin with little sensation. <link>
Klaatu, Nov 27 2011

       JHC - You're just doing some sneaky Rorschach blot testing on us HB-ers with that image , no way am I going to say what it looks like..
not_morrison_rm, Nov 27 2011


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