This program can give you a full or partial translation of any acronym, even if the acronym is not in its dictionary.
To begin, the program analyzes the letters of the acronym and makes some preliminary translations, based on
"frequently occurring significant pairs" corresponding to its acronym
For example, give it "DOFS" and it might guess "Department Of [something]". Give it "HAODOFL" and it may guess "[something] on the floor, laughing."
At least that's better than being completely clueless.
Secondly, the Fuzzy Acronym Decoder takes these preliminary probable guesses and queries an Internet search engine, seeking "Department of * *" and "* * * * * on the floor, laughing".
The Fuzzy Acronym Decoder analyses the search results and finds successful ordered matches of initial letters.
For example, if one match is "Department Of Fecal Specimens" and 16 matches are "Department Of Financial Services" then the latter is the answer that will be returned.
If no partial translation yields a successful search, then the Fuzzy Acronym Decoder will return the partial translations alone. Even the partial translations may enable you to decipher the rest of the letters based on the context of the sentence.