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FrogBakery (Boulangerie Grenouille)

Frais de la pâtisserie
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Frogs lay many thousands of eggs, in normal circumstances, to overcome the high predation and loss rates their eggs and offspring endure.

However, in a controlled environment, these marvels of evolution would have much higher survival rates, grow quickly, are highly nutritious and would rapidly achieve levels of abundance suitable to provide a steady supply of healthy nutrition for large populations. They are high in protein, low in fat and taste remarkably like chicken. They also consume vast quantities of pest species, such as flies and mosquitoes.

UBCo's Boulangeries Grenouille is a franchised chain of French bakeries soon to be opening a branch near you.

Baguettes, croissants, petit pain and a range of Jambon fumé grenouilles (Ham-smoked frog) dishes including sandwiches and quiches will soon be available to tantalise your tastebuds.

Our bakers are "kneedeep" in baked treats.

** Thanks to [Alterother], for inspiration.

UnaBubba, Apr 24 2012

how about frog cake instead? http://i2.squidoocd...024185frog_cake.jpg
[xandram, Apr 25 2012]


Alterother, Apr 24 2012

AusCan531, Apr 25 2012

       There is no shortage of low fat, high protein sources already on the hoof in Oz - the bush fly. I'd support your idea in the wetter parts of the country but in the more arid parts it would be more economic the eliminate the middle- amphibian. Your idea could even generate govt funding if you could find a way to make cane toads palatable. [+]
AusCan531, Apr 25 2012

       // <arrows> //   

Alterother, Apr 25 2012


       Orange sauce, do you think, or the sour cherry?
pertinax, Apr 25 2012

       [-] bordering on [mfd] "raise and eat <x>".   

       They don't actually taste like chicken either.
FlyingToaster, Apr 25 2012

       Baked - don't you know what the F stands for in KFC these days?   

       Funny how they never seem to call it Kentucky Fried <start of italic>Chicken<end of intalic> any longer..
not_morrison_rm, Apr 25 2012

       [AusCan] I would be very surprised if cane toads aren't entirely palatable once you remove the poison glands. Usually, when an organism has a clearly defined defensive mechanism, that's it.   

       In a similar vein, I have a theory that stinging nettles are particularly tasty and nutritious (more so than spinach, for instance) because the stinging hairs make any other defense unnecessary.
spidermother, Apr 25 2012

       >you remove the poison glands.   

       So this is what really happened to the Atheter! First they gene-engineered a Hooder...<rambles on in hopeless conspiracy theory mode...>
not_morrison_rm, Apr 25 2012

       OK, after some Googling, the consensus seems to be that you need to remove the skin (including the poison glands) and the internal organs; and that if you stuff up, you might get sick, but you're not likely to be killed.
spidermother, Apr 25 2012

       And you may get to see the sun come up in the middle of the night.
UnaBubba, Apr 25 2012

       Mmm... skinless Cane Toad stuffed with minced red peppers and shiitakes in goat cheese mixed with fresh garlic and rosemary, and a sprig of lemongrass on top.
Alterother, Apr 25 2012

       //Jambon fumé grenouilles (Ham-smoked frog// You know, and just yesterday someone asked me, "What's green and tastes like pork?"
4whom, Apr 25 2012

       What did you tell them, Kermit?
UnaBubba, Apr 25 2012

       Many of those problems stem from outbreaks of fungal disease in what is essentially a warm, wet monoculture environment, don't they, [Simpleton]?
UnaBubba, Apr 25 2012

       That would be possible, I imagine. Researchers have found that quite a lot of the frog disappearances in Australia seem to be down to fungal infection, rather than pesticides, as previously suspected.
UnaBubba, Apr 25 2012

       Apparently there's a bit of a linguistic pun/connection between frogs-legs, British (or possibly just my own personal) mispronunciation, and Louis XIV (sometimes referred to as Louis le Grand, or without too much of a stretch apparently, "Grand Louis").
zen_tom, Apr 25 2012

       //you need to remove the skin //   

       What about that story that Queensland crows just flip them upside down and peck their guts out? Is that not true? Or are the crows careful to spit out the skin?
pertinax, Apr 25 2012

       It's possible that they simply tolerate a small dose of the toxin, which is mainly found in the dorsal glands. The expression 'Stone the crows!' is unrelated.
spidermother, Apr 25 2012

       Actually, the frog business is all wrong.   

       As [Ubie] mentioned, frogs produce copious amounts of frogspawn. The hatching rate is very high, and the initial growth is also (mass for mass) extremely high. Tadpoles are also not that fussy about what they eat.   

       In contrast, juvenile frogs have a high mortality, need a lot of space and live insects, and wind up being full of bones and covered in skin.   

       Clearly, then, the solution is to eat the tadpoles, not the frogs. Their colour alone is a selling point - how many other foods are jet-black? They can be eaten alive, perhaps in an ambient soup. They could be deep fried, as a sort of amphibious whitebait. They are also spreadable and extrudable, which is more than can be said for a frog under s.t.p.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 25 2012

       Whipped tadpole bouillabaisse served atop Queensland crow broiled in a white wine reduction with saffron and fresh garlic. With stuffed skinless cane toads on the side, of course.
Alterother, Apr 25 2012

       Saffron? Euch.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 25 2012

       Feel free to substitute fresh garlic for the saffron. Nothing compliments garlic like more garlic. I just happen to enjoy a particular brand of Italian saffron I purchased a large amount of in Miami about twelve years ago. It was a few days after a canoe-camping trip in the outer Keys and I was still quite drunk.   

       Like many of my more bizarre anecdotes, that happens to be a true story. There was also a WWII-era halftrack involved, but my memory of that bit is hazy. As I said, drunk.
Alterother, Apr 25 2012

       I bet you could put the food at a higher price point than chicken because North Americans associate the french with class. However, you would have to find a very tricky marketing campaign because people that go to fast food chains tend to be shy away from exotic meats.
bob, Apr 27 2012

       // North Americans associate the french with class //   

       We do?
Alterother, Apr 27 2012

       Oui dieu?
AusCan531, Apr 27 2012

       //// North Americans associate the french with class //   

       We do?//
Oeuf Corse they do! Witness the Blondie classic "French Kissing in the USA".
And all that faux francais in "Denis".
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Apr 27 2012

       There are a lot of non-French Canadians who would beg to differ, [bob].
UnaBubba, Apr 27 2012

       >eat the tadpoles...They can be eaten alive, perhaps in an ambient soup. Still trying to track down a clip or some guy on UK tv who (at tea-time) dumped a load of live maggots in a blender, fried them in a sort of omelette and then ate it live on tv.   

       It quite put me off my Brain's Faggots, I can tell you..
not_morrison_rm, Apr 27 2012

       Sounds like something Heston Blumenthal would do, on television.
UnaBubba, Apr 27 2012

       //a WWII-era halftrack//   

       *Never* try to eat one of those without flipping it over first - saffron or no saffron.
pertinax, Apr 30 2012


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