Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Forbidden List of Fully Baked Goods

No longer qualified for inclusion here
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The FLFBG is a sore subject. Over 20 years of crusty noodleheading, all organized, classified, and rated by a fully qualified panel with years of training in the arcane mores of breadboarding, whiteboarding, surfboarding and waterboarding. Critical but kind. Kinda.

I propose a list of formerly half-baked goods that sadly graduated out of their cohort of refined quackery and became fully baked. Meaning, an idea, plan, project, mechanism, substance, or attitude, that is NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE among the half-baked. These items have been patented, funded, produced, or in some other way dropped out of the cloud of the absurd and entertaining and into the mundane sphere of functional, reproducible mercantile solutions in search of venture capital. You know who you are. Heaven forfend...

Institutions of higher learning tout the quality of their instruction by the number of patents, papers, inventions, citations and fancy jobs their graduates can put on the board. In perfect contradistinction, when an item from the halfbakery is reduced to the level of commercial success it should be memorialized, then hidden from view in the Museum of Successfully Baked Items, located in a utility closet off the walk-through at the 59th street subway station between Columbus Circle and Trump Tower. By appointment only. Now taking nominations.

minoradjustments, Jul 31 2023


       So... you want to remove evidence that a concept originated here before becoming reality?   

       But if this were implemented as suggested, it would have to be removed. Thus leaving open the possibility space for a similar idea to be posted here...   

       If this were automated then the repeating cycle of posting, implementing, deleting, and then posting again could be done at a very high frequency. Perhaps those financial market computers could be rigged up into a server-client network to automate the process. As the frequency rose, the electricity demand would increase until it was more than some medium sized countries. This idea would become a significant part of world GDP, the very definition of "too big to fail". Major world powers would focus their entire political and diplomatic efforts on the maintenance of this idea (and therefore by default) of the HalfBakery. Other parts of the internet would gradually be shut down so that their computing power could be focussed on the halfbakery until nothing else was left.
pocmloc, Jul 31 2023

       As an alternative to removal, should we establish a Kindergarten of the Fully Baked that features early iterations of halfbakery items before the item is de-accessioned and enshrined at the Museum?
minoradjustments, Jul 31 2023

       I claim that ChatGPT is just my Loogle V2 done at scale.
RayfordSteele, Jul 31 2023

       //should we establish a Kindergarten of the Fully Baked that features early iterations of halfbakery items before the item is de-accessioned and enshrined at the Museum?//   

       Define "we".   

       Oh, did I say "we?" Assuming the Museum was a go, the Kindergarten was an alternate solution to |pocmloc| saying "it [the item] would have to be removed." The same people who removed it would be deeply involved in the selection of displays and inspirational message for the Kindergarten.
minoradjustments, Aug 01 2023


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