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Fog of war chess

Portable of course.
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FOG of war is where you cannot see your enemies movements until they come into sight range of one of your various units. Take the battleship game layout and have one screen on either side. All the old moves and all the rules of chess would still apply. The only difference is that you cannot see until you get a piece there. Units would have the following sight range. 1 block is sight range of 1 and so forth. Pawns 1, Rooks2, Knights3, Bishops2, Queen3, King1.
Antegrity, Sep 07 2005

ItsYourTurn http://www.itsyourturn.com
They have [daseva]'s version on here, as Dark Chess [imaginality, Mar 12 2006]


       i was hoping for real fog, but this will have to do.
benfrost, Sep 07 2005

       I think you want "secret chess" which is baked....you figure out the pieces by their movement. The starting placement is random.
Eugene, Sep 07 2005

       This might be achieved by vigorous smoking of the STOGIES of war.
bungston, Sep 07 2005

       The real challenge is moving a rook or a bishop. You pick the spot for it to move too but it may be out of its sight range. Whatever it runs into, is what you get.
Antegrity, Sep 09 2005

       Are you sure you wern't stoned when you were doing the vacuuming?
Antegrity, Sep 10 2005

       I think a piece should be able to see what is in its attacking range. However, once another piece is shown in the range, all pieces behind it should be invisisble. Consider a bishop for example: all diagonals will be shown up to the point another piece lies on the diagonal. The rest of the diagonal behind said piece is unobservable. I think this would ease the invisibility tension, which is necessary, because chess is already quite hard.
daseva, Sep 10 2005

       [daseva]'s is a better approach, I think. But: What about pawns - could they also see in front of them? What about knights - could they only see their destination squares?   

       And what about moves or rules that rely on various other moves having or not having been made, or the position of potentially unseen pieces. For example, castling (cannot do through or out of check); en passant (cannot only do immediately after opponents pawn is moved); stalemate by repeated check.   

       How and when would check be declared? What happens if a player moves a king into check?
Detly, Sep 11 2005

       the king would not be in check because the enemy cant be seen. I would think that most checks happen at a close range so the sight of the piece would illuminate the check. Since you may move your queen right into a bunch of horny pawns, I guess you could have the ability to move the queen back to her original spot. That would take up your turn. Chess is hard but it is no where near as hard as lets say, age of empires.
Antegrity, Oct 10 2005

       A variant of this would be the Thick FOG of war,where both players are blindfolded, or alternatively play naked in a pitch black room. Pieces encountered on your move are determined by feel alone. You may not grope around in advance to figure out what is where. Pieces accidentally moved off the board are said to have fallen in hot lava.
bungston, Oct 10 2005

       And pieces you have taken are then shoved up your opponents ass.
Antegrity, Oct 10 2005

       I was thinking more about the FOG of war chess. Do you know what your opponent's move is? Does he say it out loud? In such a case, given that chess has a set starting point for each game (unlike battleship) it would be possible to keep track of the board on a piece of paper - or in your head, if you were that smart and blindfolded.
bungston, Oct 10 2005

       I like it - only prob is it would probably have 2 b a computer game otherwise it would almost certainly be impossible to play. Many strategy games employ this tactic. e.g. age of empires or the recently released advance wars ds?
jfox, Oct 10 2005

       Opening move is always a pawn sometimes a horse, so the players may move a couple of times and never see each other. It would be run by a computer of course. Two LCD screens would fold out and stand back to back with each other. This way its portable. It would have a simple touchpad mouse and a clicker to move pieces.
Antegrity, Oct 11 2005

       This calls for a smoke machine and/or unprotected concealed dry ice.
jellydoughnut, Oct 11 2005

       Baked. Its called Bronstien Chess or something. Basically there's 3 boards- 1 for the observer/referee; 1 each for the players. Pieces have a sight range of 0. You make a move, and the observer tells both players what piece was captured and if anyone's in check.
sninctown, Oct 11 2005

       Long-winded and wildly impractical idea: this is what I thought of when I read the description. Both players sit in a very dark room. They wear blindfolds when it is the opposing player's turn.   

       Each player's pieces wear a very fine glow ring/LED round the base which gives off an extremely weak light, enough to only illuminate its attacking range in each direction (I'm sure this could be a stronger light emitted through a narrow chink for bishops, queens etc). The chess board also has a fine line of light running round the edge. On the next player's turn your pieces dim and theirs light up, by remote control.   

       Simultaneously atmospheric and chellenging.   

       Alternatively each piece could light up its own square and all the target squares it could move through, 70s-disco-dancefloor style.
rubyminky, Oct 13 2005


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