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Flaming Basketball

The ball's on fire to A) limit how long you can hold it and B) look really cool.
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Pores around the ball exude the flame juice, when it's about to run out just get the next loaded ball.

I guess you could wear gloves but it's still on fire so you'd want to limit the time you're holding a ball of flame no matter what you're wearing.

Probably be easier to do with soccer but not nearly as cool.

doctorremulac3, Oct 10 2024

Why stop at just shooting it? Play ball! https://x.com/Human...1843924632929202235
[doctorremulac3, Oct 10 2024]

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       Cool. You might like this too.
Dissolve eggshells in vinegar to extract the calcium acetate. Strain it out with a coffee filter. Simmer it and add some alcohol til it gets all clumpy and turns into Sterno or that buffet table burning gel.

       Someday I intend to inject this stuff into an empty paintball, then coat the paintball in the same stuff and shoot it through the flame of a wind-proof lighter mounted just past the tip of the barrel and see if napalm really does smell better in the morning than at other times of the day.   

       Is that real or a prank?   

       But wouldn't that be "greener planet natural extract" based napalm? Like just the "aroma" of victory not the smell?
doctorremulac3, Oct 10 2024

       This is only a hair's breadth away from a "wouldn't this thing I saw in a videogame be cool if it was real". NBA Jam did the "ball on fire" thing in 1993. I'm withholding the bone because limiting the amount of time you can touch the ball is a slightly original idea as a gameplay mechanic, and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't familiar with a decades-old video game franchise.
5th Earth, Oct 10 2024

       Not a video game guy, but thank you for belaying that bone.
doctorremulac3, Oct 10 2024

       //Is that real or a prank?//   

The science-y bit about making sterno is real. The rest of it is just in my head.

       My upbringing made me need to think like a bad guy in order to stay safe so I've devised lots of ways to make a paintball gun more of a deterrent than it now is.
I never thought to post my Capacitor/Taser Painball idea...


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