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Fire wall

A wall made of fire.
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what could be cooler than a wall made of two panes of glass with holes in it where different metals can be placed and gas pumped though the thing and lit so that they burn muliticolour behind the glass. Because the metal plugs the holes gas dosen't leak out.
Gulherme, Nov 17 2002

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       //what could be cooler than a wall made of two panes of glass with holes in it where different metals can be placed and gas pumped though the thing and lit so that they burn muliticolour behind the glass.//

A wall made of two panes of glass with holes in it where different metals can be placed and dyed refrigerants pumped though the thing and liquified so that they cool muliticolour behind the glass.
thumbwax, Nov 17 2002

       that would also be cool, but you couldn't call it a fire wall.
Gulherme, Nov 17 2002

       A pulsing stained-glass window could be made out of pieces of "fire wall".
FarmerJohn, Nov 17 2002


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