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Fido Come Home

robot suitcase carrier
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Thousands of suitcases have gone missing in many airport terminals and ended up in heaps the size of mini volcanoes in places like Heathrow and Dublin. Fido Come Home is a new type of suitcase that solves this problem.

Fido Come Home is a combination of three technologies:
Part one is the suitcase containing your usual range of travelling posessions.
Part two is the body and legs of a Boston Dynamics robot dog, on the back of which the suitcase is lodged.
Part three is the activation code you send to Fido Come Home when you want to retrieve your suitcase from wherever it is.

Here's what happens when you send the signal "Fido Come Home"
The previously folded up legs of the Boston Dynamics Robot Dog spring into action, causing your suitcase to break free from all of the rest. The Robot Dog then begins navigating a route to its owner, scuttling relentlessly around all obstacles, using its intelligent interface to both clear and negotiate the route.

I should say from the outset that it's not cheap, but for numerous wealthy individuals now it's a no brainer to have their suitcase trotting obediently along beside them as they breeze through the crowds clearing a pathway.

xenzag, Aug 10 2022

This is Spot https://www.bostond...s.com/products/spot
Fido has the added facility to carry the suitcase on its back [xenzag, Aug 10 2022]

Following the First Tourist https://discworld.f...om/wiki/The_Luggage
perhaps Fido is the Luggage's luggage?! [Sgt Teacup, Aug 10 2022]

Less capable versions https://www.google....AEB&sclient=gws-wiz
There are suitcases on wheels that follow you around, but they can't find their own way out of a pile & home (yet) [neutrinos_shadow, Aug 10 2022]


       Modern updated 'The Luggage' (see link)!
Sgt Teacup, Aug 10 2022

       { envisions multiple Fidos encountering one another, cautiously investigating and circling before remembering their individual missions and bounding away }
whatrock, Aug 10 2022

       //cautiously investigating and circling// What a lovely way to describe "sniff each others' arses"!
Sgt Teacup, Aug 10 2022

       The first thing you'd need to create is a robot which knows how to plug itself into outlets. It would have to be male I guess.
4and20, Aug 10 2022

       Those suitcases in that link are crap compared to the ai enhanced abilities of Fido Come Home, who can leap deftly around or over obstacles, or knock them flat if needed.
xenzag, Aug 12 2022


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