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Feelings matter phone

Phone senses your emotions, At a social situation If you feel threatened it tells your date "No." Also an upside: people are emboldened to make out more because their phones are happy.
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I have been reading about women who have experienced harassment online [link].

This technology is a way to get your phone, and the phones of others to say "no" for you if you feel intimidated or at risk in a social situation. It automatically, politely, says "No I'd rather not. time for me to go." when it can tell you are feeling bad about what is happening. This could be particularly beneficial to introverts, timid people, the hypnotically beautiful, and intoxicated persons.

Yep. this is a way to preset your "no" regarding sexual consent even if you have been intoxicated or tripping. I also describe a variation for when you enjoy what is happening.

A phone that had something like a fiber optic fisheye lens around the sides could monitor surroundings 360 degrees without aiming it. Besides the phone the same effect could be made with a digital watch or a camera necklace.

There is a truth detector based on digital thermography of the face that is described at a patent (Anbar) as 99% effective. Much less precision is used at this application.

I think that digital thermography technology, possibly combined with voice stress analysis, could be used to quantify how a person feels, their level of happiness or distress, any fear or anger or more pleasantly that feeling when two romantically interested people have that giddy liking for each other.

So the phone can tell if you are having a great time or a crummy time, and if you feel scared.

You have preset your phone to know "If I get 7/10 thermography upset make audio output say "Time to go". At 8/10 it says "No, do not talk to me or touch me"" Meanwhile of course the person or persons you are with have been continuously videoed on the watch and uploaded to the cloud.

One version of this is where the phones of the other people also have the app, so his phone actually says "stop now" or custom messages via hotspot/bluetooth. Let's be fun and have a group of people being high and groping at a party, if just one of the people, Jessica, is detected as 7/10 unwilling to makeout lots of people's phones broadcast "Go say hi to Jessica". The person Jessica would like to avoid has a phone saying "Time to quit", and Jessica's phone says "I refuse to be with you or talk with you further" or some better tested psychological phrase that says zero consent.

Now besides saying no, the various people's phones could also vibrate when things were going well. There's a kiss. Her digital thermography notices she likes it. Her potential lover's phone vibrates in their pocket, letting them know her mood is very up. Good!

This could actually encourage romance and perhaps bring courage to the timid. Also there could be an amusement where people who are a little together make out and see if they can get their phones to react pleasantly at Upside:9/10. French kiss?

There are a few social novelties here. Startlingly, if the phone is the one to say no, that makes interactions between the people more permissive. Arm on the shoulder; phone's quiet, things are ok. I'm not freaking her out. Phone vibrates in the pocket; her mood is thrilled! try a kiss! Take courage!

One thing is that this could spread to everywhere there are phones, crossing cultural boundaries to create consent based social interaction. An export of second wave feminism to the developing world.

beanangel, Dec 25 2018

The idea is a reaction to the stories of people experiencing unwelcome attention at this site http://everydaysexism.com/page/4
[beanangel, Dec 25 2018]


       //Feelings matter   

       I disagree.
not_morrison_rm, Dec 26 2018

       What [n_m_rm] said. Feelings are irrelevant, self determination is irrelevant. You will be Assimilated. You must comply.
8th of 7, Dec 26 2018

       I think there is a problem with someone being told, or forced to experience something older than their current maturity as opposed to naturally realizing and growing into maturity.   

       Can the phone educate by starting off subtle and get more and more blatant?   

       The extrapolation of this, is tech that reads mind and emotion and passes full insight about the persons experience and actions. Not much room for the muddy fun that is human experience.   

       Aside: It would be quite a good invading strategy to hand a species tech that is above the species' social and developmental maturity.
wjt, Dec 26 2018

       Yes, it is. <Snigger/>
8th of 7, Dec 26 2018

       //Feelings matter//   

doctorremulac3, Dec 26 2018

       //There is a truth detector based on digital thermography of the face that is described at a patent (Anbar) as 99% effective. Much less precision is used at this application//   

       A quick check of the literature suggests this is far from true, please feel free to prove me wrong, however. The biggest problem is the detector, reads physiological changes associated with deliberate attempts at deception. Except physiological changes are associated with other things, being hooked up to a lie detector, for example. Being asked questions, being asked questions about a murder you committed, being asked questions about a murder you might have prevented were you not sleeping at the security desk, being ill, drunk, and so on.   

       Facial thermometry is no different in this regard. It's likely to do just fine at detecting stressed and nervous people, but how about deluded people who believe their lies? There are diverse personality disorders that feature a routine high baseline of lie telling combined with minimal empathy, your garden variety psychopath. How about those somewhere on the autistic spectrum? You ask a baseline question designed to generate emotional stress, it does nothing so you start clicking your pen absent mindedly and you're suddenly off the charts. The whole concept of trying to read the mind through physiology is a flawed mess only taken seriously in some parts of these here colonies.   

       As for the whole idea? I think a better substitute would be a civilized society that self-polices and brings up children to be well socialized. Put a phone in the loop and you'll have to shell out $9.99/month to monitor consent ad- free.
bs0u0155, Dec 27 2018

       // but how about deluded people who believe their lies? //   

       You need the "politician" upgrade.   

       // There are diverse personality disorders that feature a routine high baseline of lie telling combined with minimal empathy, your garden variety psychopath. //   

       Yes, definitely politicians.   

       // How about those somewhere on the autistic spectrum? //   

       They won't buy this, they won't understand what it's for.   

       // You ask a baseline question designed to generate emotional stress, it does nothing so you start clicking your pen absent mindedly and you're suddenly off the charts. //   


       "The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping ..."   


       The Voight-Kampff is at least portable, if not pocket sized.
8th of 7, Dec 27 2018

       //The Voight-Kampff is at least portable,//   

       The psychopath advocacy groups are incensed at the false positives decimating their base.
bs0u0155, Dec 27 2018

       "Can the maker repair what he makes ?"
8th of 7, Dec 27 2018

       I feel like I'm stuck in a God-awful Barry Manilow song.
blissmiss, Dec 27 2018

       //I feel like I'm stuck in a God-awful Barry Manilow song.// Wasn't that the title of one of Neil Sedaka's hits?
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 27 2018


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