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Feel the Pain

Put on a Virtual Suit, Virtual Helmet, and Feel the Pain
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I was playing a first person shooter with some of my friends the other day, when something started to bug me about how they just kept dying and dying. I was thinking about it until I realized they don't value the life of the character because they know that he/she/it will just respawn.

So I took the time and thought of a way to make someone respect death with a game that would act much like a virtual reality war game (or a game that involves shooting, stabbing, fighting, etc.). Then instead of just strapping on the headset and start playing, you jump into a suit that resembles something of a divers suit (tight, flexible, good looking). In the suit would be millions of little sensors that detect where you are shot, stabbed, etc. When the suit detects that you are being shot and where you are bing shot an area of sensors on that spot overload for a fraction of a second, resulting in the feeling of a bee sting on easy mode or a well placed punch to the face on insane mode. I think that would make people appreciate games more and also real soldiers.

Imagine the pain of being shot up by dual smg's :-O ah the misery.

It would cost a good amount of money though but what doesn't in the video game industry.

The army could train soldiers across the nation with this suit to prepare for what they are getting themselves into.

seventhinline, Jul 29 2005


       Wouldn't naked paintballing be cheaper and more fun?
Basepair, Jul 29 2005

       in naked paintballing you cant hack away at a dead virtual body though can you?
seventhinline, Jul 29 2005

       Well, not a virtual one.   

       \\resulting in the feeling of a bee sting on easy mode or a well placed punch to the face on insane mode\\
\\The army could train soldiers across the nation with this suit to prepare for what they are getting themselves into.\\
Seems to be mutually exclusive, or else you severely underestimate the requirements of the army.
hidden truths, Jul 30 2005

       \\The army could train soldiers across the nation with this suit to prepare for what they are getting themselves into.\\ Not sure this could help prepare soldiers, atleast in the game when you get shot you know you are going to get back up.
fridge duck, Jul 30 2005

       [seventhinline] Why is it that I get the feeling that you were playing Timesplitters? : )   

       Nice idea, bun!
froglet, Jul 30 2005

       Do people ever play these games with the servers set such that, once killed, the player characters cannot respawn until the next game/level?   

       Seems that that might raise the regard for the character's lives and perhaps more than a pain suit.
bristolz, Jul 30 2005

       Yeah this would really drive up the enlistment numbers.
Cuit_au_Four, Nov 17 2005

       A dog shock collar would be a good cheap alternative.
wagster, Nov 17 2005

       But if you are REALLY shot it is far more painful than a bee-sting, so you are still not conveying the pain of a gunshot wound. If you want to know what it is like to be shot at, then go and play with some LIVE amunition....I'll sponser you if want....
Minimal, Nov 17 2005


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