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Fat Schedule

For those of us who finally decide on joining the gym...
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I'm not at all for the Gym floor. and I think it has to do with the fact that I would very easily be intimidated [as was pointed out by another halfbaker in "Jungle Gym"]. So if intimidation is my fear then i will never go to the gym and only grow more and more out of shape. But then along came polly. This is the gym for those of us who hate seeing perfectly chiseled men. When you sign up you can specify what kind of people you like to see or dislike to see. one could check something like:

Young good looking men.


Perfectly toned women.

You could also specify what kind of people you would like to see like:

People who have joined less than a month ago.


People who have been going to the gym before but never managed to get anything out of it.

I dont know really. It might just work!

nomadic_wonderer, Jan 11 2004


       Magic scheduling? Just buy a bowflex and no one will ever see you breaking a sweat.
DrCurry, Jan 11 2004

       [DrCurry] but i want to see people who are as out of shape as me so i have something to feel good about. but you are right if one does not want to go to the gym in the first place the "Fat Schedule" would not work for him anyway.
nomadic_wonderer, Jan 11 2004

       Wouldn't every customer want to train with people who are slightly less fit than they are? Thus creating paradoxes, infinite regressions, and other stuff no scheduler can solve.
kropotkin, Jan 11 2004

       [kropotkin] some would some would'nt. all we need to do is give them choice.
nomadic_wonderer, Jan 11 2004

       How about nights with special classes or services for certain 'weight classes' or abilities, instead of a rigid schedule. A trainer helps a different demographic on each night of the week. Overweight, underweight, pregnant women, newbies, seniors, would all have a certain night where more attention is paid to them by the staff. Other demographics, i.e. those more chiseled or toned, would not be disallowed, but would be less likely to attend on those nights.
xrayTed, Jan 11 2004

       At a local YMCA there is a 12 week program for beginning exercisers. In addition to whatever special exercises programs they prescribe, everything takes place in a special workout studio that is separate from the main workout facility. Thus, people who are out of shape can work out without feeling intimidated by the gym rats who are in super shape. I think it's a pretty good idea.
tchaikovsky, Nov 13 2004

       //At a local YMCA there is a 12 week program for beginning exercisers.// Thanks, I doubt I would have found that on the web. I was just doing a bakedness search on an idea I had for a “New Year’s Resolution Gym”, because next week, my gym is going to be packed with noobies. They’ll last 2 to 6 weeks like every other year. It is an intimidating environment, and they’re easily discouraged.   

       I was going to suggest a ‘primer’ gym for them to get a head start on conditioning, some knowledge of equipment use, confidence, etc., and run it for January and February only, with discounts to affiliated gyms available upon completion of the program. I ran this by an exercise physiologist and a psychologist (no major research here - they’re my sisters). It takes 8 weeks to get physically adjusted to the activity, and 12 weeks to become ‘dependent’ on it. 12 weeks appears to be the magic threshold. Apparently, if you can make it through, compulsion becomes the motivation.
Shz, Dec 31 2004


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