Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Farmer Tan Eradication Clothes

Tanning boots and gloves
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To even out Farmer Tan, these boot and glove inserts would shine UV light on the wearer to allow an even tan during long working hours.
Voice, Aug 03 2010


       I thought you were going to suggest a hood (down to the collar) and long gloves to cover the parts that were already tanned and allow the rest to catch up...
James Newton, Aug 04 2010

       "I thought you were going to suggest a hood (down to the collar) and long gloves to cover the parts that were already tanned and allow the rest to catch up..."   

       And then wander around nude all day - i like it!!!
Trodden, Aug 04 2010

       I was wondering who Farmer Tan was.
spidermother, Nov 26 2010

       He was a pretty decent guy, until he got eradicated. His daughter An was allowed, but she is still mightily ticked about her dad, and also her long working hours. Not to mention that thing with the boot and glove.
bungston, Feb 28 2011

       I think young Anna married some guy from out of town. Tashun, I think his name was.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 28 2011

       Quite right [MB], he was an officer in HM's forces. Nothing major, but last I heard he was posted somewhere in south central asia.
4whom, Feb 28 2011

       This isn't the deliberately miss under stood idea.
pashute, Mar 01 2011

       Sooo, farmers get dark forearms from the sun - not pretending to be vets? Could just fill their overalls with manure to even things out.
saedi, Mar 03 2011


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