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Fake William Tell Gone Wrong Stunt

One guy shoots the arrow at a can on the other guy's head, arrow ends up in the guy's forehead.
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This would be part of a "magic" act where every trick apparently goes wrong with horrific results. Severed limbs, bodies actually cut in half, blood and gore throughout, each stunt ending with the player standing and taking a bow while wiping off the fake blood. Pen and Teller did a stunt with a fake stabbing of a hand which was great, this show would expand on that.

The William Tell part would have a can with a collapsible arrow made out of a spring that pops out of the can and sticks to the player's forehead after another collapsable arrow in the bow across the stage disappears into the bow appearing to have been shot.

The idea here, just to be clear is just the fake arrow through the head trick.

ADDENDUM: Here's a way you could do this with off the shelf stuff:

1- Foam arrow with a flesh colored suction cup at the end. Standard thing kids used to play with but with a very shock absorbing end.

2- Printed tissue fake arrowhead that covers the suction cup and collapses when the arrow hits the forehead.

So the archer can show the audience it's a "real" arrowhead which disappears when it hits the guy with the can, apple, whatever on his head.

And since Penn and Teller's knife through the hand is the greatest magic trick ever, there really should be a complete show with nothing but fake disasters based on that. Dark comedy magic show? I'd want to see it.

But again, that's not the idea. It's the arrow thing.

Or you could have a rubber suction cup that's turned inside out to form a fake arrowhead. When it hits the target it collapses and TURNS INTO a suction cup.

Okay, I'm putting too much thought into this. Moving on.

doctorremulac3, Nov 01 2023

This done with the described stage props. https://x.com/Human...07042477597095?s=20
This didn't actually happen by the way, was just an edit. [doctorremulac3, Nov 01 2023]

Expand on this. https://www.youtube...watch?v=ZWlrBQhDP9M
[doctorremulac3, Nov 01 2023]


       I like this one, though you might have over complicated it.
daseva, Nov 03 2023

       I think this is back-to front.   

       A genuine William Tell is when you successfully pierce the apple without harming your "friend".   

       William Tell Gone Wrong is when you miss the apple and pierce your "friend"'s head. This would not usually be classified as a stunt, more as a serious error possibly with criminal proceedings following.   

       Therefore I would understand a William Tell Gone Wrong Stunt to be a stage managed special-effects illusion of such a fatal accident.   

       Therefore a Fake WTGW Stunt would be not the stunt herein described, but a simulcram or pretence of doing the stage managed special effects illusion. i.e. fatal, potential criminal proceedings following etc.
pocmloc, Nov 04 2023

       You mightn't have mistaken this the wrong way.
pertinax, Nov 04 2023

       Yea, I apologize, I might not have misunderstood the incorrect wrong misunderstanding misinterpreted in the wrong way incorrectly.   

       Hope that clears things up.
doctorremulac3, Nov 04 2023

       The audience would not see the arrow flying through the air which would spoil the illusion.   

       I'd have the arrow travel on a piece of fishing wire pulled taut: one end attached to the shooter, the other end attached to the head of the target. the front end of the arrow would be collapsible. The can with the spring-loaded collapsible arrow would be pasted to the *back* of the person's head, so it appears that the arrow went all the way through the head and exited the other side.
xaviergisz, Nov 06 2023


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