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Fake Ears

sold in sets of two.
  (+17, -2)(+17, -2)
(+17, -2)
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Have your ears removed and retro-fitted with a small socket on either side of your head so you can attach ears of your choice. Grow your hair appropriately to cover any seams.

Pierce whenever you like without pain or swelling. Change them for animal ears. Remove them when wearing a motorcycle helmet. Have them attached to your suglasses for an interesting display when you take them off. Insert flashing lights under the ear skin for night time walks. Try plastic, metal or cardboard ears in colours to match your evening dress. Insert an ear shaped mp3 player straight into the socket to do away with ear-phones. Wear just one. Have them on strings, lest they detach whilst observing rare aquatic life from the edge of a tall bridge. Try inflatable ears or pneumatic pumps that make them flutter whenever you eat strawberry icecream.

benfrost, May 06 2005

Prosthetic Ears http://www.prosthesis.com/surgery.htm
attached with clips or magnets [FarmerJohn, May 06 2005]


       You could be a Van Gogh Impressionist.
waugsqueke, May 06 2005

       Sounds feasible to me. Sounds a lot like an idea that I think [EvilPickels] posted for reversible ears.
contracts, May 06 2005

       I'm pretty sure that this isn't actually feasible, but it sounds like fun.
Where would these animal ears be coming from?
hidden truths, May 06 2005

       I'm pretty sure that this isn't actually feasible, but it sounds like fun.
Where would these animal ears be coming from?
hidden truths, May 06 2005

       Even better... combine them with the "pedestrian blinker/directional indicator" idea.
justaguy, May 06 2005

       This is why I come to the halfbakery.
wagster, May 06 2005

       You're all jealous <waggles ears in 180 degrees>
The Kat, May 06 2005

       I have to vote down anything that could be construed as encouraging catgirls.
Tabbyclaw, Feb 26 2006

       And who says you have to stop at ears? Go for hands, feet, fish heads -- The sky is indeed the limit! ...Or is it?
Yarr, Feb 26 2006


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