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Lifting-body aircraft in the style of a baidarka or geodesic aerolite boat
(+3, -3)
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Well OK, its sort of an idea. Two of other ideas combined into one.

A lifting-body aircraft, in the style of Barnaby Wainfan's FacetMobile. Built like a skin-on-frame boat, it loses the facets. Presumably better aerodynamics, and ease of home-building. Possibly lighter too.. at your own risk.

afinehowdoyoudo, Jan 29 2009

FacetMobile http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facetmobile
[afinehowdoyoudo, Jan 29 2009]

Geodesic Aerolite boats http://gaboats.com/
[afinehowdoyoudo, Jan 29 2009]

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       [+] ... mind you you've now got a "GeodesicMobile" with it's very own paradigm; Mr. Wainfan designed the FacetMobile as an exercise in construction simplicity, ie: use only flat surfaces.
FlyingToaster, Jan 29 2009

       So you want a lightweight wooden framed (possibly with curved surfaces) delta-winged light aircraft.   

       So a mix of Victorian build style and modern aerodynamic approach. Sounds good to me.
Skrewloose, Jan 29 2009

       The idea of "wicker-frame" construction, using the dynamic strength of a curved piece of wood as well as static strength for airframe rigidity, just tickles my fancy... a virtual [+] also.
FlyingToaster, Jan 29 2009


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