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Facebook Face Averager

So you can compare your face to the average of your friends faces
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There is a dating site that chooses people for you based on face recognition - if they look like you. I have seen averaged faces - they put a lot of faces together and get an amalgamated face. I would like to be able to see the amalgams of my face book friends compared to the amalgams of their friends. I bet we choose friends based on an averaging of our own face characteristics. I wonder if this would be true of blind folks as well?
JesusHChrist, Nov 16 2011

http://www.findyourfacemate.com/ http://www.findyourfacemate.com/
[JesusHChrist, Nov 16 2011]


       // I bet we choose friends based on an averaging of our own face characteristics. //   

       I bet we don't. Personally, I 'choose' friends (and I mean in real life, not on fakebook) based on whether or not I like them, not on whether or not they resemble me.   

       // I wonder if this would be true of blind folks as well? //   

       I wonder if you really thought that part through before you typed it. Blind people 'look' at other people's faces by touching them. On fakebook, everyone's face resembles a computer screen if you're going by touch alone.
Alterother, Mar 05 2012

       I don't think I've had any friends that look like me, though I'd have a good chuckle if the average of all their faces did.   

       I read the title as "Facebook Avenger", which (no offence JHC) sounds much more interesting.
FlyingToaster, Mar 05 2012

       Do people like to date people who look like them? Personally I consider my cleft chin, cleft nose and bristling monobrow to have a certain charm, but I have never sought these qualities in a potential date.
bungston, Mar 05 2012

       // I read the title as "Facebook Avenger" //   

       So did I, which was why I opened it while searching for something else. Of course, once I'd read it, the mockery- urge came upon me. I was helpless, unable to escape its compelling embrace...
Alterother, Mar 05 2012


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