Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Eyeball Lashes

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Match your inner eyes with your outer eyes. (3rd eye is available at a small additional fee.)

Really, really, ridiculously really long eyelashes are apparently the newest trend that one must have to be oh so Kardashianish. And who doesn't want that, I ask?

We apply them permanently to your baby blues or browns, with just a few well-concealed stitches, and even include an itty, bitty, very small eyelash brush.

All for the tiny little price of 2 million smackeroos.

"You know you want them" says Paris Hilton

blissmiss, Sep 29 2022

Oh the ocularity. https://www.usatoda...nt-true/4428179001/
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Sep 29 2022]


       Nobody wants to know this little factiod but I'ma share it anyway. That's just how I roll.   

       So it has been recently rumored that false eyelashes were invented by a Canadian prostitute to keep ejaculate out of her eyes.
Debunked of course but still sweeping the interwebs nevertheless.


       per link: cumbrellas?!? And are they factory tested?
whatrock, Sep 29 2022

       My baby browneye's well covered in this department.
21 Quest, Sep 29 2022

doctorremulac3, Sep 29 2022

       Gotta watch those Canadians. They weird. Or so I've heard.
blissmiss, Sep 29 2022


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