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Event Investment

Invest in Local Ticketed Events
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(+12, -1)
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This might be dumb, but it's 4am and I need to write!!

An investment website/service that allows users to see local events that need initial funds to reach their full potential. Based on the local organization's turn out rate/ticket profit margin at previous events, a P/E type ratio can be determined. After choosing the event, users provide a % of the funds needed by the organization. Once the event is done, some of the profit made from ticket sales goes back to the investor based on the % of funds he supplied.

goodmars, Dec 26 2008

Fundable http://web.archive....//www.fundable.com/
Like Fundable but with a profit? [painperdu, Dec 26 2008]


       it's not like fundable because this isn't necessarily "for humanity". it could be a comedy show put on by a local university who can use the profits to do whatever you want. they need not be humanitarian in their profit.
goodmars, Dec 26 2008

       This is not, actually, such a stupid idea....
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 26 2008

       I think the word "investment" scares everyone anymore.
blissmiss, Dec 27 2008

       People don't invest anymore. They gamble. As a casino takes every dime you have in the slots, the market takes every dime you have in your portfolios.
el dueno, Dec 27 2008

       I think there has been much confusion between the words "investment" and "speculation" of late.   

       Good idea, btw.
wagster, Dec 28 2008

       Tempus fund-it.
4whom, Dec 29 2008

       just had a talk with one of the founders of Kiva.org (microfinancing site) and he's digging the idea of event investing! you guys may soon see a Kiva for events =)
goodmars, Mar 08 2009

       I would totally do this, especially if I could do it with borrowed money, local events that would probably flop, and if I could sell my shares to somebody else at a profit before I found out.   

       But seriously, if a charity doesn't make enough money to pay back their debt, what are you going to do? Make them go into debt? It doesn't seem right.
plasticspoon, Mar 08 2009

       //People don't invest anymore. They gamble.//   

       Maybe you should say "Investment professionals don't invest anymore. They gamble." Regular, sensible people still invest (especially now that the stock market is having one of their once-a- century half-price sales).
colorclocks, Mar 08 2009

       it's more like a 90% off sale, everything goes...
goodmars, Mar 08 2009

       //it's more like a 90% off sale, everything goes//   

       Yeah, depressing, eh?   

       Selected sectors are getting killed, of course, and everything is getting hammered. But it's also quite clear that most stock devaluation is of the devastated - by - lack - of - customers variety, and not in the isn't - worth - what - people - hoped class.   

       This means that increased employment will fix things, or, if it doesn't come fast enough, we'll all swirl completely down the drain. In either case, investment is not a bad move. You're either going to get a nice return on your investment, or your money will turn out to have been worthless. In neither case do you lose anything that you actually had.
colorclocks, Mar 08 2009

       [+]This is actually baked. You might not find it on a website via a Google search but whenever you hear about concerts, theatrical productions, or any type of live event, there are usually investors behind it. Next time you hear an ad on TV or radio, if there are multiple companies named, chances are that at least one of them is the investor that secured the venue, the artists, and any other upfront costs. Most of these events are heavily insured in case there is a low turnout due to inclimate weather or some other adversity so it is usually win-win for whoever has enough cash to float the event.
Jscotty, Mar 08 2009

       The idea here is investing in events through a website, not just investing in events. This is original. [+]
plasticspoon, Mar 09 2009

       Colorclocks: I bet you $1,000 the U.S. dollar doesn't hyperinflate over the next 5 years.
plasticspoon, Mar 09 2009

       plasticspoon: precisely.   

       If I were an investment banker, I'd take that bet, even though I only have $3. If I lose, you get all my money, but then you will have to bail me out because I'm broke. If I win, I get $1000 dollars, but then you will have to bail me out because the money will be worthless and I'll be broke. If you don't bail me out, I'll crap on your car.
colorclocks, Mar 09 2009


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