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Euro-scheme dream

interpolative payments for the piper
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So four or five States are a bit in trouble on borrowing habits and GDP ratios.

I have an idea.

Economists estimate the cash flow required, export effects, and various other consequenses.

A mathematical solution is derived as to Euro supply increase. The increase in supply is distributed to the Eurozone States based upon debt to GDP factors.

I.E. Germany would get a significant part of the revaluation cashflow.

Greeks, Italianns, Irishmen, Portuguese, Icelanders could all travel to gain employment in Germany's new public works projects.

If Ireland ends up in years to come with a surplus, all mobile workers shift there.

A Euro devaluation makes Europe's exports cheaper for the rest of the world, at European's expense in the short term.

Look up graphs of M2, M3, or M4 if you think I'm joking.

Zimmy, Jul 21 2011


       This idea is contrary to the charter of the EU, from what I understand. If not the Eu, then the ECB.   

       I must point out, the opposite strategy seems to be failing in awe inspiring fashion.   

       It's what's in store for us here in the US, as we elect people who are incompetent, yet able to utter slogans.
Zimmy, Jul 21 2011

       I know I'm just a dumb hick, but I don't get it; if it's possible to create enough jobs in one country, e.g. Germany, for all those people from other countries, why not just create those jobs in all the countries so everyone can stay home?   

       Oh, and my English isn't very good, so please post your reply in American. Northern Appalachian Redneck dialect, if you can.
Alterother, Jul 21 2011

       Sorry, that last bit is a carry-over from something else...
Alterother, Jul 21 2011

       So you're suggesting we devalue the Euro by adopting a massive quantitive easing (money-printing) policy, thus relieving pressure on those economies that have tricky debt ratios, at the expense of raising inflation in the more secure areas of the Eurozone, thus eroding the buying power of Euro savings?   

       I think it's all fine, until you start talking about population movements - which is more tricky.   

       And that's at the root of the whole Euro argument - are the populace able/willing to move around the Eurozone in order to keep up with the fluctuating local peaks and troughs in the Eurozone economy? Because there's never going to be a single fiscal policy that applies across the board.
zen_tom, Jul 21 2011

       My reply in American, Northern Appalachian dialect?   

       I am going to get banned for this, I'm certain. My test scores as a HILLBILLY got me into the college of MY choice. Tulane University. See if your Creds get YOU in. I was ONE class short of getting a minor in economics with professors who were economic advisors to Nicaragua and South Korea.   

       I grew up just a bit north of your insult, I think. 7 Presidents came from there.   

       My idea was entirely serious as the only way to avoid a Greek default REQUIRES worker movement across the EU.   

       Perhaps you would like to school poor ol' hillbilly me as to another viable solution?
Zimmy, Sep 27 2011

       What I call for is just. The common man will understand.
Zimmy, Sep 27 2011

       Dunno how it translates into hillbilly, but into plain English, correct me if I'm wrong, it reads like...   

       A bunch of countries borrowed too much money, so let's print more, screwing over the ones who aren't in debt as much, and give most of it to the country (Germany?) that's in the hole the most, and people from other countries can temporarily move there to participate in makework projects to get some of the money back.   

       ... that it ?
FlyingToaster, Sep 27 2011

       Yes. What else will work? ( Germany is not in the hole by a long shot, unless I am misinformed) The ratio I propose is based upon how the nations managed their finances.
Zimmy, Sep 27 2011

       What have the Icelanders got to do with the Euro?
TolpuddleSartre, Sep 27 2011

       //What else will work?// The people who spent too much money they didn't have and are therefore now massively in debt, suddenly get much poorer and have to work very hard to pay off what they owe?
pocmloc, Sep 27 2011

       From what I've heard, those Greeks most willing and able to work harder are already looking for ways to do this in other countries. The ones left in Greece might end up living on remittances - a bit like the Somalis, but with a stronger tradition of self-righteous sophistry.
pertinax, Sep 27 2011

       The "people" didn't technically spend the money! Their lying corrupt politicians did it for them.   

       I know they say you get the government you deserve, but I disagree.   

       My thought was to lessen the pain for those who had no control in the decision making process.   

       Deflating THEIR currency actually helps them by making their exports cheaper.   

       For those who need an example:   

       Fiat, no euro devaluation - $29,000 USD.   

       Fiat, significant euro devaluation -- $16,000 USD.   

       I'm talking about the Italian car when I use the word Fiat.
Zimmy, Oct 05 2011

       Porshe, $80,000 USD, now $65,000 USD. Hmm Lincoln/Porshe.   

       Volkswagen / Ford.
Zimmy, Oct 05 2011

       [Zim], I meant no insult, truly. I was referring only to myself as dumb hick, not anybody else, and certainly not you. Sorry for the misundersanding.
Alterother, Oct 05 2011

       Sorry I took it the wrong way. I hope you understand why it made me mad, though it was entirely my fault for misconstruing the meaning of the words.
Zimmy, Oct 07 2011

       No, I totally understand; I could have been more self- referential. I tease and needle other Halfbakers (some more than others), but I _always_ mean it in fun. If I accidentally cross a line, I want people to call me on it-- just like you did.   

       PS: your explanation clears up my confusion nicely. I sort of get this idea now.
Alterother, Oct 07 2011

       The Euro needs not to exist and the EU needs not to exist.
nineteenthly, Oct 07 2011

       I'll leave that for actual Europeans to debate. As much as I am tuned in to international news (because it's more interesting than anything that happens in the US), having no first-hand experience with the situation leaves me feeling quite unqualified to form, much less defend, a definite opinion.   

       I am, however, still free to mock.
Alterother, Oct 07 2011

       I am of course an actual European. I think the government tends to capitalise on xenophobia by blaming the EU for things which they want to bring in but don't want to take responsibility for.
nineteenthly, Oct 07 2011

       If you mean the US government, I think you're right, not that it makes a damn difference to me what my government wants me to think. Then again, I live in a place so remote that it's hard to imagine the EU having any significant impact on my life unless it goes completely tits- up. I don't say this out of ignorance, but of experience; where I live, the state of the US economy has very little impact on the local economy.
Alterother, Oct 07 2011


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