This is an app that can connect to the glocometer.
1. It reminds you to take your blood test.
2. It determines the curve by 3 consecutive (10 minutes apart)
blood tests. Then another one later for correction.
3. It tells you how much insulin to take and how many calories
and carbs you
should be eating, with/without excercize,
with/without sleep.
4. Optionally, you can choose from a style of diets, and it
proposes your meals (and what you need from the store for
5. It reminds you to exercise and tells you how much would be
healthy for you. It can offer various types of exercises and
advertises Feldenkrais etc.
6. It reminds you to get to sleep on time, and to set a
schedule (which is important for diabetics).
7. You heuristically (* see below) tell it what you're eating,
and how much insulin you actually used and when.
Rather than putting in each part of the meal, just say what
you ate: A big tuna sandwich. It will assume everything for you
and list it so you can correct them. It will remember your
choices and learn from them. It will be WITHOUT numbers.